Complaint about 2007 Honda LX pre-installed cd player

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by D.K., Jan 29, 2007.

  1. D.K.

    D.K. Guest

    I have looked and looked and I see no way to PAUSE a cd with this
    player! There is no PAUSE button!

    My old car had a cheapie cd player and even it had a pause button, so
    that when I am listening to, say an audio book, and I get interrupted
    to pay a parking lot fee or some other quick interruption, I could
    just hit pause and resume quickly after I paid the fee.

    But this cd is the only cd player I've ever seen in my life that
    doesn't have a pause button.

    Very annoying.

    Also, I took a cd out last night after playing it for less than an
    hour and the cd was HOT! I know cd players generate a certain amount
    of heat, but man, this thing was hot! Does not bode well for the life
    of the cd player, I fear. And probably isn't all that good for my
    cd's, either.

    Guess I'll add this in my letter to Honda about the annoying and ugly
    child seating stickers on the visor.

    Otherwise, I love my new Honda, and admittedly I'm nit-picking here,
    but for $17k+ I expect things to be nice.
    D.K., Jan 29, 2007
  2. D.K.

    Tegger Guest

    According to your Owner's Manual: If you eject the CD but do not remove it,
    ten seconds later the system will automatically reload it and place in in
    Pause mode. You then press CD to resume.

    Yeah, I agree. Pretty hokey.
    Tegger, Jan 29, 2007
  3. D.K.

    motsco_ Guest


    Just a wild GUESS, but is your 'Honda' a Civic? There's a TSB about the
    plastic air vent falling off the heater and cooking the contents of the

    motsco_, Jan 29, 2007
  4. Additionally, if this unit works like the one in my '04 Civic, you can
    simply turn the radio off, and when you turn it on again it will start
    playing at the point where you turned it off.
    High Tech Misfit, Jan 30, 2007
  5. Did you check the owner's manual?

    I believe you'll find that if you press the center button and turn the
    CD Player/Radio off while a CD is playing, when you turn it back on it
    will start up in the same place.

    I rarely use the CD changer on my 06 Accord but I'm pretty sure that's
    the way it works.
    Unquestionably Confused, Jan 30, 2007
  6. D.K.

    D.K. Guest

    Yes, this is true, if you turn it off, it will pick up where you left
    off when you turn it back on. But this is NOT the same as Pause. First
    of all, it is more wear and tear on the system than pause would be,
    and 2nd, it takes about 10 seconds longer than pause would take.

    Maybe this sounds like nit-picking, and it is, but nevertheless it is
    a crappy design for a cd player. And that heat issue is something that
    is NOT nit-picking.
    D.K., Jan 31, 2007
  7. Well, perhaps it doesn't meet your standards, maybe it doesn't meet a
    LOT of folks' standards. I have to ask though, was it advertised as
    having a pause? It seems to me that were that such an important matter
    to you, you'd have done your due diligence and checked it out. Again,
    that's not a shot at you necessarily but you're obviously so worked up
    about it that I feel my comment is valid. Shame on you, not on Honda.
    It would be shame on Honda if you stood here telling one and all that
    "I'll never buy a Honda since the boobs don't bother to put a pause
    control on their CD player!"

    Maybe, maybe not. The CD's in my home stereo component system get hot.
    The CD's in my Corvette's and Buick Park Avenue's CD players get hot.
    The CD's in my mini-component stereo at the office get hot. The CD's
    in my wife's Bose system at home get hot. Lastly, I have six CD's in
    the changer in my '06 Accord that have been in there for at least six
    months. Happens that I played a couple today while on a trip. No sign
    of a problem. Neither has there been any sign of a problem with CD's in
    any of the other players - static or mobile - mentioned above.

    As a matter of fact, I think the ONLY CD player I've ever owned that
    DIDN'T significantly raise the temperature of the CD's therein was a
    Sony Discman I once owned - of course, that doesn't count the times it
    was left in the sun out by the pool<g>
    Unquestionably Confused, Feb 1, 2007
  8. D.K.

    D.K. Guest

    I have owned many cd players in my day. I'm not talking about "hot",
    I'm talking about OVERLY hot, hot that will probably end up damaging
    the cd's and/or cd player.

    I think the heat is from the heater, and somehow they have not
    protected the cd player sufficiently from the heater.
    D.K., Feb 4, 2007
  9. D.K.

    motsco_ Guest


    Ummmm, that's what I said. If it's a Civic, there's a TSB about the vent
    falling apart and cooking the under-dash area.

    motsco_, Feb 4, 2007
  10. D.K.

    JS Guest

    Yes, I am aware that you said that. The thing is, I'm doubtful it
    could have fallen off already, it's only had about 60 miles on it when
    I posted that. Meanwhile, what's a TSB? Is it really that hard to
    write things out IOU OA*?

    *Instead of Using Obscure acronyms
    JS, Feb 12, 2007
  11. D.K.

    Seth Guest

    TSB is an industry standard acronym. It stands for Technical Service

    A TSB is issued when there is a widespread problem that isn't recall worthy.
    Apparently it's happening enough that it's been identified as a known issue
    and rather than having each tech troubleshoot it, they issue a TSB so techs
    can check that first thus saving time (which means saving money).

    If a TSB was issued for this, only having 60 miles on it means nothing. It
    could have happened while the vehicle was being trucked to the dealership.
    Seth, Feb 12, 2007
  12. D.K.

    JS Guest

    Thanks. I will ask them to check it.
    JS, Feb 15, 2007
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