Comprehensive minor service needs on '96 Accord

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Responsible Driver, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. Just prior to my second ex-patriation from the United States, family
    members gave me the use of '96 Accord to commute to and from work on a
    40-mile interstate route. After 4-5 months of that, I must have put
    about a bit more than 10,000 miles on it.

    During that time, I have personally done 3 oil changes, way-overdue air
    filter change, way-overdue PCV valve, way-overdue plug and wire set
    change, and a way-overdue tire rotation. Odometer now reads 111K miles.

    Maintenance that I am positive is necessary is flush and fill of coolant
    system (haven't got around to doing it yet) and probably a new gasket on
    the valve cover (don't know if I can do that). As to the valve cover, I
    noticed oil accumulated in the spark plug wells when I was changing the
    plugs, but the car doesn't smoke nor did the old plugs show signs of oil
    burn. I probably need to service the power steering fluid too (once I
    find the container under the hood) and attend to many other things.

    With all that, I also notice that the sound of the car at warm idle seems
    different than when I started using it. Engine seem less quiet, but not

    I am thinking of taking it over to Quality Tune-Up (for those who know
    the chain) for one of those "menu checkups" like a 90,000 mile service
    with a request for other specific service recommendations (assuming I can
    afford to authorize them).

    The problem is, many of those set menu checkups don't find, attend to, or
    repair the car's specific needs. I have not familiarized myself (done
    comprehensive research) on the Accord's usual historical problems that
    occur in the life of an Accord (I post here for that purpose).

    I can't reliably obtain the service record on it. However, the owners
    tell me that they bought the 90,000 miles ago (as a salvage), and that
    50,000 miles ago they paid about $1000 to a recommended service outfit
    that corrected a defect (for which there had been a Honda recall on
    warranted cars) in which oil spit out the side (something to do with
    seals; separate from the valve cover gasket defect). At that time they
    had other routine service put on it (probably a timing belt change and
    perhaps other seals replaced) as well.

    What service can experienced Accord owners recommend I request when I
    take it in?
    Responsible Driver, Jun 19, 2004
  2. Well if you don't know whether or not the timing belt was changed that was
    to be done at 105K I believe..or was it 90 k? Either way it would be
    overdue. You didn't mention if this was a v-tech engine or not? A thousand
    dollars is quite high to just add a seal retainer on a car. If you can't
    get verification of the t-belt being replaced then now would be a good time
    to do it.

    The only tune-up items would be 4 spark plugs, wires wouldn't be a bad idea
    if they have been soaking in oil, a cap and a rotor. Check the air filter,
    pcv valve and replacing the fuel filter wouldn't be a bad idea. There are
    NO adjustments needed..generally.

    Obviously the valve cover gasket and related spark plug oil seals need to be
    replaced and I think the valve lash inspected.

    There are no historical problems for 96 Accords.....

    CaptainKrunch, Jun 20, 2004
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