coolant leaking

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by flawed jai, Feb 16, 2004.

  1. flawed jai

    flawed jai Guest

    95 passport- how many places could coolant be leaking from? what
    possible damage? at 25-30mph, gauge went to 'hot', in 3 mins, pulled in
    to station. refill tank was down to 1 cm of liq w/sediment. refilled
    /topped off w/ fresh 50-50.
    parking stain on pavement was dinner plate size, 4 hours later.
    stain was centered, and slightly in front of front tire axle.

    cc replies to me at
    mensabrains [at] webtv [dot] net
    flawed jai, Feb 16, 2004
  2. flawed jai

    electricked Guest

    It could be in many place. Start with radiator, move to hoses, and last
    check engine parts. Refill it, put something on the bottom of the car, and
    try to note the location it's dripping from. It won't take too long to
    notice if it's going out that fast. If it's a hose, it's an easy fix. Tape
    the hose somehow until you get to the shop to get a new replacement hose. If
    it's a radiator and it needs replacement, might cost you anywhere from $150
    to $300, depending on where you purchase it. Might even run you for more at
    some places. It could be the head leaking in which case there's a lot of
    damage done to the engine and might need to replace the whole engine.

    electricked, Feb 16, 2004
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