cooling fan constatly running when car is off

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by spoilaz1, Nov 14, 2006.

  1. spoilaz1

    spoilaz1 Guest

    I have a 1991 Accord 2dr EX w/ 2.2 motor. For the past few days when I come
    out to start my car the battery is dead. I couldn't figure out what was
    causing the battery to die because the battery is fairly new. Last night I
    was sitting in the car after it was shut off and I heard the fan kick in. It
    ran constantly for 30mins while I was still sitting in it with the key out of
    the ignition. I came back out @ an hour later and it was still runing. I
    was at work today for over 4 hours with out the car being started and a co
    worker came and told me that the fan was running on my car. When I went out
    to check it and it wasn't running. I tried to start the car and it was dead.
    The fan kept running til the battery was dead. Has anyone had this problem
    before or know how to fix it?? For now I have to pull off the neg. terminal
    when I park so that I can start the car when I come back.
    spoilaz1, Nov 14, 2006
  2. spoilaz1

    spoilaz1 Guest

    I didn't see the other post on this issue. Sorry. I do have AC but it hasn't
    worked in 2 years. Does anyone know where this "switch" is??
    spoilaz1, Nov 14, 2006
  3. There's a temperature switch screwed into (most likely) the bottom of the
    radiator that enables the rad fan relay. There's two possibities:

    1. The relay contacts have arced together; or
    2. The temperature switch (which is a bimetal strip inside) has jammed shut.
    Happened to me last year, and after I put in a new one, giving the old
    temperature switch a jolt caused it to unstick.

    Locate the temperature switch and the relay. Give them both a GENTLE whack
    to see if they unstick. If not, replace with parts from a wrecker.

    Stewart DIBBS, Nov 15, 2006
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