cost for front suspension

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by merlotbrougham, Oct 10, 2005.

  1. I've been putting off getting the front end done (kids, bills, etc) and
    now it's time to bite the bullet. 92 Civic EX sedan.

    clackclackclackclack around corners = both(!) drive axles shot - boots
    crunchcrunch over everything = control arms - not sure uppers or lowers
    yet gaps in bushings
    hhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (louder with speed) = wheel bearings, both
    sides - wish I had a press
    erer erer = broken spring - let's do both since it's all apart

    ~$600 parts / ~$400 labor
    Sound about right?
    merlotbrougham, Oct 10, 2005
  2. merlotbrougham

    butch burton Guest

    I know all of those sounds - when riding with a friend in his tercel
    and rounding a corner bang bang bang as the cv joints did their thing.
    By driving this thing you are putting yourself and others at risk.

    Did you include wheel bearings in your parts list? It is a safe bet
    they are probably gone - will be hard to tell though since everything
    else is so loose. Hope you have a good shop manual - pressing out the
    tie rods, getting the wheel bearings back together correctly takes some
    doing - replaced a rack and did not replace a wheel bearing correctly
    and had to do that again. good luck.
    butch burton, Oct 10, 2005
  3. Yep, the wheel bearings was something I wish I could do with bighammer.
    I'll leave this fixmup to the pro, driving really granny in the Civic
    if I have to til I have the cash for the fix. (next paycheck) Be
    driving my boat Marquis in the meantime.

    merlotbrougham, Oct 10, 2005
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