Cost of a loose gas cap? $86.00 USD according to my dealership

Discussion in 'Accord' started by Brian Drake, Aug 14, 2004.

  1. Brian Drake

    Chip Stein Guest

    You talking to Elmo and me?
    i just love to see these people get all stirred up over something
    that was likely their fault anyway. i do appreciate thebacking on
    this and it wasn't directed at you. This is the stuff i deal with all
    the time so i've pretty much heard it all. but it's still funny to
    stir the pot now and again.
    Chip Stein, Aug 17, 2004
  2. Brian Drake

    Chip Stein Guest

    You talking to Elmo and me?
    i just love to see these people get all stirred up over something
    that was likely their fault anyway. i do appreciate thebacking on
    this and it wasn't directed at you. This is the stuff i deal with all
    the time so i've pretty much heard it all. but it's still funny to
    stir the pot now and again.
    Chip Stein, Aug 17, 2004
  3. Brian Drake

    Chip Stein Guest

    You talking to Elmo and me?
    i just love to see these people get all stirred up over something
    that was likely their fault anyway. i do appreciate thebacking on
    this and it wasn't directed at you. This is the stuff i deal with all
    the time so i've pretty much heard it all. but it's still funny to
    stir the pot now and again.
    Chip Stein, Aug 17, 2004
  4. Brian Drake

    Caroline Guest

    Oh, okay.
    I myself think a lot of folks who, say, never got their hands dirty take pause
    when this type of thread pops up. Ultimately, they may have more appreciation
    for the work auto technicians do.

    But if stirring the pot melts your butter, I understand. :)
    Caroline, Aug 17, 2004
  5. Brian Drake

    RMoore Guest

    I was wondering how it work in another way. Hello Doctors office-I feel
    sick. You come in, they look you over and they tell you to take some over
    the counter stuff and get some warm soup in you, stay warm and dry. They
    fixed nothing, so therefore that doctors office visit should be free. Or am
    I wrong.

    I know the prices the dealers charge are a bit high and they have to cover
    their asses on stuff. But they did go to Honda school and they got all that
    stuff to pay for. I hate to say it, but that's the way it is. I guess I am
    lucky, I have a certified Honda Master mechanic around the corner from my
    house. I do not bother him for small stuff (oil and tire stuff) but the big
    things he does at a real good price. He even uses Honda stuff on my car.
    RMoore, Sep 17, 2004
  6. Brian Drake

    RMoore Guest

    I enjoyed immensely the running back and forth commentary.
    It was well worth the reading.
    I think a few of us can start our own debate club.
    Nothing like politics to get things going.
    Sometimes it may be best to leave sleeping dogs alone, but dogs were not
    made to sleep. That is why God made cats.

    Smile and make the world think you are up to something.
    RMoore, Sep 17, 2004
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