Cost of Transmission Fluid Flush

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Moochie, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. Moochie

    jim beam Guest

    texas gets hotter than ca or nv? tx is more humid, but that just
    affects wet stuff like humans, not sealed stuff like transmissions.
    besides, ambient of 100F isn't exactly extreme for a lubricant.
    record of tranny failures? 300k on an automatic? name a domestic
    that'll regularly and reliably do 300k! i know there's issues with
    modern hondas, but what about the 20-odd years prior to that? and
    modern failures are gear design problems - nothing to do with excess
    fluid contamination. buy a ford, then let's talk about the difference
    being able to change the fluid seems to make...
    jim beam, Jun 3, 2006
  2. Moochie

    JXStern Guest

    But given some of the misbehaving trannies Honda has been turning out
    the last few years, maybe a drain plug is worth the rather small cost
    and effort involved.

    JXStern, Jun 3, 2006
  3. Moochie

    G-Man Guest

    This brings up a good point. I wonder if you could put a drain on the
    tranny that would do a better job, and if so, where?

    BTW, I have sold two Accords with Auto trans with almost 200k on them, and
    now one ever had a problem. And from what I know, they are still going
    strong. I did change the fluid at the recommended intervals, and I NEVER
    flushed one.

    And in response to that other comment, I would agree, Honda's are NOT
    prefect by far, but I find them to be the lesser of the evils. I have now
    had 15 new Hondas on over 22 years. I commute, and I rack up miles. I have
    had everything fro Civics to Accords. In those 15 cars, other than regular
    maintenance, I have had the following expenses.

    2001 Accord had a main oil seal let go at 115k, $10 part and $700 to get
    2001 Accord had to have a seat belt replaced because the SRS sensor in it
    was bad, cost $120 installed.
    94 Civic I got used had a Head Gasket go at 90k, cost $500
    94 Civic, CV Joint Replacement.
    94 Accord had a clutch warp. Complained when it was under warrant, so the
    dealer replaced it long after the warranty, cost $0

    I'm sure I have forgotten some minor under $50 items, but this has been my
    major expenses other than normal brakes, timing belts, etc etc. Before
    Honda, I used to spend a lot on a car after 70-80k miles.


    Anything else was less than $100.
    G-Man, Jun 3, 2006
  4. That wouldn't have solved Honda's problems. The tranny problems went
    deep into basic design flaws.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 3, 2006
  5. Sucker. Honda will replace seat belts for free, anytime.

    You just didn't ask. My guess is your dealership pocketed the entire
    $120, and passed the repair off to Honda warranty--who also paid for it
    at their rate.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 3, 2006
  6. Moochie

    G-Man Guest

    Wrong, they will not replace any electronic component on the SB. Only the
    SB for safety reasons. Per Honda USA.

    I didn't take it to the dealer either. Cost close to $200.

    G-Man, Jun 3, 2006
  7. Right. The dealer replaces the entire seat belt mechanism. It's not
    rocket science.

    And Honda warrants seat belts forever. They just replace the whole
    thing. The dealership puts it in for warranty pay.

    Maybe that's why you had to pay out of pocket.

    Trust me, the mechanism that dealers have for paying for things like
    this is well established, and the fact that Honda warrants seat belts
    without question is well known.

    Honda doesn't want to be caught on the end of any trouble, having
    refused to replace a simple seat belt.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 4, 2006
  8. Moochie

    jim beam Guest

    has nothing to do with the ability to drain fluid - they're fundamental
    design problems.
    jim beam, Jun 4, 2006
  9. Moochie

    ExtremeValue Guest

    Hi TeGGeR

    I am sorry. It was actually CAN$ 25.5 for 0.30 hours. Slip of eye or
    what you call it in English.
    ExtremeValue, Jun 4, 2006
  10. Moochie

    JXStern Guest

    My concern is not the catastrophic failures but the (much more
    widespread???) sticky shifting that does seem to be temporarily
    relieved by new fluid.

    Of course it's far from a fix, just a crude backup, way to get by.

    JXStern, Jun 4, 2006

  11. Hey Elmo!

    Do you think that Honda will replace the slack seat belts in my '83 Civic?


    Grumpy AuContraire, Jun 5, 2006

  12. Bingo!

    Grumpy AuContraire, Jun 5, 2006

  13. Hey Elmo!

    Do you think that Honda will replace the slack seat belts in my '83 Civic?[/QUOTE]

    Try it. I bet they will.

    It does depend on (a) your relationship with your dealer, (b) the
    effectiveness of the dealer service manager, and (c) their relationship
    with Honda.

    But overall, regarding seat belts, I believe they will--if there's any
    doubt that the seat belt is working correctly.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jun 5, 2006
  14. Try it. I bet they will.

    It does depend on (a) your relationship with your dealer, (b) the
    effectiveness of the dealer service manager, and (c) their relationship
    with Honda.

    But overall, regarding seat belts, I believe they will--if there's any
    doubt that the seat belt is working correctly.[/QUOTE]


    I'll give it a shot later this week. Anything to same me $$$$!!!

    Grumpy AuContraire, Jun 5, 2006
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