CR-V 2000-2300 RPM buzzing Exhaust rattle

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by twfsa, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    I seen this in a CR-V Forum concerning the above subject.

    Noisy buzzing sound from under car
    The tinny buzzing noise I was hearing at 2200 to 2500 rpm is fixed. Believe
    it or not, the problem wasn't a loose heat shield, or a vibrating loose bit
    of metal on the muffler, but the timing belt! It turns out, the timing belt
    was set too tight at the factory. The service department simply set the
    timing belt to factory specs and the noise went away. I must commend the
    mechanic that tracked this down, because it really did sound like a loose
    piece of metal.

    Seems to me that if this were the problem I am experiencing it would of
    shown up from the git go when the car was new!

    twfsa, Apr 30, 2006
  2. ----------------------------------

    It sounds like you left that timing belt in there? If it's an '01 (I
    searched your other posts) and it was so over-tightened that it took 5
    years to loosen up enough to start 'singing', that belt must be in a
    fragile condition. Timing belts don't stretch, since they get their
    strength from fiberglass strands woven into the thing, and just like
    fiberglass shipping tape, it's terribly hard to snap it, but it will

    It's also a five year old belt, and what is the service interval (TIME,
    not mileage) for yours supposed to be?

    I overtightened one once and it sang right away, during the first few
    minutes after start-up it would sing like a harmonica when I revved it
    up and let off the gas. Research led me to the conclusion that I'd
    better loosen it since it was not going to loosen up by itself, without
    the belt suffering damage.

    Also, with the belt that tight, I'd be surprised if you haven't had
    valve adjustment troubles because the front camshaft bearings should
    have been under a terrific load, which would screw up your valve
    clearances (even more than other Gen I CR-V's) as they wear in.

    People have gotten help from HONDA on other claims when it's 'FROM THE
    FACTORY'. Maybe you should be phoning? I'd ask them for a whole new

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 30, 2006
  3. twfsa

    Jason Guest

    I agree that the mechanic done a great job in regard to figuring out the
    source of the problem. I would have guessed that the source of the problem
    was the exhaust system.
    Jason, Apr 30, 2006
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