CR-V Crankshaft

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by twfsa, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    When looking in thru the left wheel houseing at the crankshaft pulley in
    what direction does the nut have to turn to remove it.

    I am going to adjust the valves with the spark plugs out, and use the pulley
    to rotate the engine, but do not want to loosen the the pulley.

    Somewhere it said to rotate the pulley counter clockwise, when doing the
    adjustment, and if thats so the nut on the pulley may loosen.If it were to
    loosen I have a torque wrench, but whats going to hold the pulley, while its

    I looked at useing the alternator pulley nut,but its impossible to reach
    from above, and see what position the rocker arms in .


    twfsa, Dec 1, 2004
  2. You will see a couple of threads just in recent months about how to get that
    ^$#@(*& bolt loose. The upshot is that it won't loosen while you use it to
    rotate the crankshaft. It is originally torqued to about 130 ft-lbs (maybe a
    little different in your engine), but over the years the thing gets stubborn
    and impact drivers have a tough time with it. I just did the timing belt on
    my son's Acura and with a few tricks the 500 ft-lb driver finally got it

    Michael Pardee, Dec 1, 2004
  3. twfsa

    Caroline Guest

    Plus, Honda manuals such as those at the UK site, autozone, and Chilton's
    typically say to retorque the bolt after finishing a valve adjustment. This is
    precisely because of the original poster's concern.

    But like Michael says, if the engine's been run, I dunno, a year or so without
    doing any work that involved removing the pulley bolt, it should be plenty

    If you happened to remove the pulley bolt a few weeks ago, I would imagine
    there's more risk it might come loose.

    Either way, I'd re-torque to spec after the valve adjust job. It's not a big
    Caroline, Dec 1, 2004
  4. twfsa

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Read the responses you got to your previous post !!

    You don't need to touch the crank pulley nut, just the POWER STEERING
    nut. If you want to fart around removing the front left wheel and
    jacking up the CRV, do whatever you want . . . That nut won't come loose.

    motsco_ _, Dec 1, 2004
  5. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    Thanks Curly , I'll give the power steering nut a try.

    twfsa, Dec 2, 2004
  6. twfsa

    Eric Guest

    ....and if you take the spark plugs out, the engine will be considerably
    easier to turn over.

    Eric, Dec 3, 2004
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