CR-V creaking rear suspsension

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by twfsa, Jun 5, 2005.

  1. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    2001 CR-V 32k rear suspension is making a creaking noise, It feels like its
    coming from the rear sway bar.

    I got underneat the car and sprayed all the rubber bushings with silicone
    spray and someWD 40.

    Seems to help, anyone else encounter this problem, and a cure.


    twfsa, Jun 5, 2005
  2. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    There shot after 32 k?


    twfsa, Jun 6, 2005
  3. twfsa

    motsco_ _ Guest


    The sway bar links are usually the culprit. There was a mess of them on
    eBay 3 weeks ago. About half-price from dealer. They aren't made to be
    greased, just replaced.

    motsco_ _, Jun 6, 2005
  4. twfsa

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Here's the link on eBay . . .

    motsco_ _, Jun 6, 2005
  5. twfsa

    twfsa Guest


    Do you see these advertized on E-bay much? as I have 2 CR-V's and hate to
    buy a second kit just in case, ordered one set today, for the creaker.
    Thanks for the tip!

    twfsa, Jun 7, 2005
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