Discussion in 'CR-V' started by D.D. Pallmer, Dec 16, 2005.

  1. D.D. Pallmer

    D.D. Pallmer Guest

    Well, my newish (May 2005) CR-V SE with AWD passed the test! This week we
    had big snow/ice here in the hills of Pittsburgh. The the 'V was a CHAMP
    going up my driveway (garage at the bottom) with the stock DUELER tires.
    Great vehicle. Better AWD than the Mercedes products IMHO. I still would
    have preferred Michelin tires for ride and wear purposes, but the DUELERS
    were great in the snow. (I'll get Michelins when these wear out). Anyway,
    any of you thinking of getting a CR-V primarily for it's winter driving does that well!
    D.D. Pallmer, Dec 16, 2005
  2. D.D. Pallmer

    Hazel Guest

    I agree. I have a 2002 CR-V LX,with Michelin Ice snow tires.and yesterday
    tried it for the first time in 22 cm/9 inches of fresh warm (28F) slippery
    snow. I have 8 km of snow-packed roads to get to the salted pavement.

    This is the answer.
    Hazel, Dec 17, 2005
  3. D.D. Pallmer

    Alan Browne Guest

    .... wish I had that yesterday. Over 40cm of snow. City late plowing my
    small, dead end street, my accord "rode up" onto the snow and there went
    the traction. Dug it out and put it back in the driveway. City didn't
    come until 15:15. There went the work day (I did do some phone work,
    but it ain't the same). In any case, at the end of my street they left
    a 3 - 4 foot hard packed bank. The CR-V would have done okay, but not
    the Accord.

    Alan Browne, Dec 17, 2005
  4. Do you have winter tires on your Accord? Or are they all-seasons?
    High Tech Misfit, Dec 17, 2005
  5. D.D. Pallmer

    Alan Browne Guest

    Winter. But once the car rides up on the snow, there is nothing for
    them to grab onto. 40cm is about 14 inches. The snow 'dams up' and
    lifts the car.
    Alan Browne, Dec 18, 2005
  6. D.D. Pallmer

    Zeppo Guest

    I think you'll find this with any rear or front wheel drive vehicle. Once
    the wheels are no longer on the ground its really hard to get any traction.

    Zeppo, Dec 19, 2005
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