CR-V noise when rear windows open

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Scall0way, Aug 30, 2004.

  1. Scall0way

    Scall0way Guest

    I have a 2004 Honda CR-V with less than 3000 miles on it. Today for
    the first time I had it out on the highway with the rear windows open.
    As I started up (after a brief roadside stop), as I approached highway
    speeds the car began making the most incredible noise. It was a low,
    shakey, rumble, but so excruciating I was almost ready to scream. I
    thought my head and eardrums were going to explode. It was like being
    on the flight deck of the USS Enterprise.

    I was shocked as the car has always been smooth and silent until now,
    and had been until 5 minutes previously when I had stopped to walk my
    dogs. I first rolled up the rear windows, and instantly the noise
    vanished. The ride was smooth as silk, and just a quiet as ever.

    I cracked open the front windows, and it was still quiet. I opened the
    moon roof, and it was still quiet. I closed them all and opened the
    rear windows, and once again the noise was enough to split my skull,
    like the car was about to explode. Shut the windows and all was quiet

    When I got home I told my sister, and she said she knew what it was
    because her Toyota Highlander does exactly the same thing. With the
    rear windows open the noise is excruciating. She said her husband
    heard a segment about it on CarTalk, and that it is because of some
    sort of aerodymanic airflow problem, and that if you open the front
    windows as well as the rear it breaks the air vortex causing the
    problem. I went for a test drive, and sure enough with both front and
    rear windows open there is no noise.

    But I can't find anything written or documented about it. Only thing
    even close was a web site where I found someone selling a "rear window
    air flow deflector" product. Maybe I just don't know the right words
    to search on. I can't find anything here. Has anyone heard of
    something like this?

    Scall0way, Aug 30, 2004
  2. "Scall0way" wrote
    I heard the same thing, and my 2004 Accord and 1997 Civic (both 4-door) have
    the same problem. What I recall Tom and Ray saying is that indeed, it is
    about the aerodynamics along with how air-tight(?) cars are made for
    quietness (I may be all wrong about that part of my recollection)... there
    is nothing you can do about it. If I open my driver side window, all is
    well. Open the passenger side, too, and it gets uncomfortable. Try different
    window combinations. On my Civic I found I could open the driver window and
    the right rear window and the noise wouldn't be too objectionable.

    Howard Lester, Aug 30, 2004
  3. Every car does this! Are you blond by any chance?

    Do not write below this line. Reserved for me.
    He Hate Retard and Moron, Aug 30, 2004
  4. Scall0way

    motsco_ _ Guest


    If you stick an empty pop bottle out the window, it will whistle too.
    Same reason. . . . No basis for a class-action lawsuit or anything. All
    new cars are like that. Get an old car with a no-draft (remember those)
    window and the problem won't be there. They also leaked air like a
    screen door. :-(

    motsco_ _, Aug 30, 2004
  5. Scall0way

    Scall0way Guest

    LOL, actually I've never owned a car or been in a car in my life that
    did this before. It's a new one on me and I've been in *lots* of cars.
    But it's nice to know that, at my age, I can still learn something

    Scall0way, Sep 1, 2004
  6. Scall0way

    Dick Gozinya Guest

    Another astute observation by a molester of the innocent
    Dick Gozinya, Sep 4, 2004
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