CR-V problem, anyone heard of this?

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by fltcpt, Sep 14, 2004.

  1. fltcpt

    fltcpt Guest

    My CR-V makes a strange noise when making
    hard turns or U-turns, sounds like a knife
    grinding the rotating axial metal...
    seems to be from the rear side...

    A friend experiences the same thing with his
    CR-V, neither of us have figured out why...

    Any opinion on this before we bring them
    to the dealers?

    fltcpt, Sep 14, 2004
  2. Rear differential fluid. Change it!

    Do not write below this line. Reserved for me.
    He Hate Retard and Moron, Sep 14, 2004
  3. fltcpt

    motsco_ _ Guest


    You need one litre of Dual Pump Fluid, and you can do it yourself if you
    get an adapter that screws intot he threads of an oil bottle, allowintg
    you to pump 'up hill'

    Wally World / Canadian Tire has them. has instructions too.

    motsco_ _, Sep 14, 2004
  4. fltcpt

    fltcpt Guest

    HHRM, motsco

    Thanks alot. I browsed and seems
    like me and my buddy are not alone. Great info.
    I am ignorant in cars so I guess at least I am
    bringing it back to the dealer. Hope it doesn't
    cost much...

    Thanks again guys.
    fltcpt, Sep 15, 2004
  5. fltcpt

    a Guest

    I'm curious, what year CRV and what mileage?
    a, Sep 15, 2004
  6. fltcpt

    motsco_ _ Guest


    All models of CR-V, Generation I or generation II can develope this
    noise because the Dual Pump Fluid loses it's viscosity when you pass
    50,000 km / 30,000 miles. The North American version of the manual is
    missing a bunch of 'dots' in the maintenance schedule. The U.K. version
    of the manual has the dots, we (in North America) have the noisy CRV's .
    .. .

    It's a fairly 'expensive' sounding noise, IIRC. It has probably cost
    Honda CR-V owners a billion dollars in misdiagnosed repairs . . .

    motsco_ _, Sep 15, 2004
  7. fltcpt

    fltcpt Guest

    I just have my fluid changed and the noise
    went away. I feel compelled to thank
    once again all your advices.

    It's amazing oil can somehow lose viscosity...
    you would have thought they've developed
    something better by now...

    Thanks again!
    fltcpt, Sep 24, 2004
  8. fltcpt

    motsco_ _ Guest


    They have invented something much better, which I alluded to . . . It's

    motsco_ _, Sep 25, 2004
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