CR-V Vibration

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Carl, Dec 6, 2003.

  1. Carl

    Carl Guest

    My 2003 CR-V vibrates at around 52 mph.

    The vibration is felt thru the steering wheel, but the dealer's quality
    expert thinks the source is at the rear and, when I ride in the passenger
    seat, it seems to come from the rear of the vehicle.

    Dealer has inspected and balanced the wheels/tires twice, rotated
    wheels/tires, temporarily replaced tires with new tires of the same make,
    and replaced the drive shaft with no improvement.

    Most peculiar is that it is much worse on cool mornings when the tires are

    Greatly reduced, but still noticeable on warm sunny afternoons when the
    tires are warm.

    Sounds like tires to me, but all tires have been temporarily switched to new
    ones with no benefit.

    Any ideas?

    Carl, Dec 6, 2003
  2. Not tires then, so it has to be something else. Could be a worn or binding
    CV joint in one of the rear axles. Could be a wheel bearing, but these
    (according to an earlier post I read) rarely fail. Could also be a slightly
    out of balance rear prop shaft. Check the unijoints.

    Stewart DIBBS
    Stewart DIBBS, Dec 6, 2003
  3. Carl

    Keith Allen Guest

    My 2003 CR/V with Alloy wheels gave me similar trouble at high speed
    last winter because the shape of the Alloy wheels allowed mud, water and
    snow to collect on the inside bottom of the wheel while parked, which
    then froze. If the weather stayed below freezing then the wheel was out
    of balance next time we hit the road. Of course by the time the CR/V was
    in the shop for inspection the ice and muck was gone.

    My solution last winter was to scrape the residue off when it became a
    problem. My solution for this year is a set of winter tires on a set of
    standard steel rims.

    near Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.
    Keith Allen, Dec 9, 2003
  4. Carl

    Carl Guest

    Thanks for taking the time to reply.
    I should have said I am in Southern Arizona.
    No snow, no freeze, plenty of CR-V vibration.
    Carl, Dec 11, 2003
  5. I once had a lot of rear vibration from a slightly bent suspension strut
    which eventually broke and the vibration stopped when the new one was
    fitted. This was on a CRV.
    Bryan Henderson, Dec 12, 2003
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