Crack in Rear Suspension Bushing

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by drmathis, Sep 19, 2006.

  1. drmathis

    drmathis Guest

    Honda recently found a circumferential crack in both of the bushings
    for my lower arms of my rear suspension (for a 98 Civic). This bushing
    connects the lower arm to the rear strut, but I was wondering how
    serious this really might be. I took the car to a different mechanic
    who told me not to worry about them, but I am new to the area and don't
    really know if I can trust him. Any comments would certainly be
    appreciated since the repair for this item seems to be quite high due
    to labor.

    (This crack appears to be about 90 degrees around, and also appears to
    be slowly growing.)
    drmathis, Sep 19, 2006
  2. drmathis

    jim beam Guest

    if you can post links to some pics, that would be best, but from your
    description, they don't sound serious - it's a common thing.

    the bushings to look out for are the main bushing in the trailing arm.
    when those go, cornering can get real sloppy, and you're entering the
    zone where inspection is a good thing. jack the rear up so the wheels
    hang free and look for cracking or even separation. fortunately,
    there's a tool that can help you swap those out without too much
    trouble. google for elle's experience with it a few months ago.
    jim beam, Sep 19, 2006
  3. drmathis

    TeGGeR® Guest

    wrote in

    Not very. They all crack after many years.

    He's right. Get it looked at once you start hearing clunks and clonks
    when you drive on bumpy roads.

    Lots of work to change these. I've done it.

    The inner sleeve is delaminating from the rubber. Normal.
    TeGGeR®, Sep 19, 2006
  4. drmathis

    drmathis Guest

    Thanks, that seems to be general thing I have been hearing. I ended up
    going to another mechanic who said the exact same, so I'll be on the
    look out for the clanking and also make sure to have the trailing arm
    bushing looked at regularly. Hoping to keep this car for another
    couple of years so that it can live up to some of this Honda

    Is there any other typical trouble areas for a 98 civic that would be
    good to look for?

    Thanks again,

    Dave Mathis
    drmathis, Sep 22, 2006
  5. drmathis

    TeGGeR® Guest

    wrote in

    Other than rust and the usual Main Relay trouble, not really.

    If you have a Delco alternator, those are prone to failure either way
    (under or over charging).
    TeGGeR®, Sep 23, 2006
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