crank bolt right or left hand thread?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by swhaley, Jul 8, 2006.

  1. swhaley

    swhaley Guest

    Just bought a used zHonda and am installing timing belt
    righ or left hand thread?


    swhaley, Jul 8, 2006
  2. swhaley

    Elle Guest

    Right hand thread.

    The crankshaft pulley bolt is typically extremely tight.

    See discussion at
    Elle, Jul 9, 2006
  3. We never did do a test to determine whether the bolt is actually tightening
    over time or whether the bond is just strengthening, did we? All everybody
    agrees on is that it is a devil to get loose, at least for the first timing
    belt change.

    Michael Pardee, Jul 9, 2006
  4. swhaley

    Elle Guest

    You wouldn't want this group to be boring, would you? ;-)

    I am not sure a test exists that would persuade everyone or
    persuade effectively.

    I wasn't willing to perform tests on my 91 Civic's.

    I am convinced that the fact that it's not merely a fine
    thread but a super fine thread means the bond becomes
    stronger over time, especially when subject to heat cycling.
    Bolt metal melds into the metal of the crankshaft. I
    certainly think it's possible that this is all that's
    causing it to become so difficult to break loose. I won't
    hold my breath, but we might all agree on this point.

    Having conquered (well, with a lot of group support) eight
    frozen, fine thread, suspension bolts, and noticing that at
    least one appeared to be welded to the inner sleeve (and had
    to be completely cut out with an air die grinder), I can
    believe that the pulley bolt sees similar forces and so
    similarly becomes "more tightly bonded" as time goes on.

    The contravening evidence is J. Beam's claim that the pulley
    bolt becomes extremely tight again after just a very short
    time driving (like less than a day, IIRC).
    After two timing belt changes, mine still required over
    about 300 ft-lbs, by my calculations.
    Elle, Jul 9, 2006
  5. I absolve you of the burden ;-)

    I just recalled that you suggested a spot of nail polish to match-mark the
    bolt head and pulley, and I'm fresh out of nail polish.

    All that aside, I agree that it is probably a cold-weld process that makes
    the break-away torque so high. People have also reported that working both
    in the loosen and tighten directions with an impact gun helps, which
    supports that theory.

    Michael Pardee, Jul 9, 2006
  6. swhaley

    Elle Guest

    Oh right you are. I do a timing belt change next summer and
    might try this then.

    I figure that bolt is good for only so many cycles of
    tightening and loosening by hand.
    I'll think about that. Seems reasonable enough. :)
    Elle, Jul 9, 2006
  7. swhaley

    TeGGeR® Guest

    I had an email conversation I had with an engineer at .

    He said the bolt is not rotating. Period. There are several other well-
    established mechanical reasons for the apparent increase in torque over
    time. Rotation after the final installation setting is **NOT** one of them.
    TeGGeR®, Jul 10, 2006
  8. swhaley

    jim beam Guest

    with respect, the pics i showed definitely /do/ evidence rotation.
    there's angular galling on the washer/bolt interface. that simply
    cannot happen if it's static. besides, bolt precession is well known.
    much more attention is given to loosening since that tends to be
    catastrophic, but tightening happens as well.

    you can do this experiment at home: loosen the pedals on a bike so
    they're only finger tight. now, pedal around the block. you'll find
    you need a wrench to get them undone again. that's precession that
    tightens. and it's why left hand pedals have a left hand thread.
    jim beam, Jul 10, 2006
  9. swhaley

    Elle Guest

    Be fair. You shared the message with me. He said it was
    unlikely, or words to that effect. That's his opinion.

    He also did not offer any particularly compelling
    alternative explanation.
    Elle, Jul 10, 2006
  10. That's a very different physical arrangement, though. The friction of the
    bearings, small as it may be, works to screw the pedals in - as you point
    out, that's why the left hand thread on left side pedals. There is no
    equivalent force on the crank bolt.

    Michael Pardee, Jul 10, 2006
  11. swhaley

    Alan Guest

    Only the pully does I believe.
    Alan, Jul 10, 2006
  12. swhaley

    jim beam Guest

    yes and no. yes, it's a different physical arrangement, but it's not
    the bearing friction that works the thread in [a remarkably widespread
    misunderstanding!] - the rotation direction is incorrect. check it out
    yourself. it's precession - just like the rotation of gears in a
    planetary gearbox.
    correct, it's not directly equivalent, but there /is/ a tightening
    impulse from the momentum difference between an ignition stroke and the
    inertia of the pulley. saying that bolts don't tighten is incorrect and
    i used the above example as an easily tested home illustration. once we
    can agree on examples of where tightening /can/ occur, hopefully we can
    move on to examine the facts of exactly how it happens. just saying "it
    doesn't happen" when there's clear evidence to the contrary, makes no sense.

    interestingly, the later versions of the honda pulley/crank have both
    splines [in addition to the woodruff] /and/ loctite as oem, unlike the
    older series motors that end up being discussed here. they still take
    torque to remove because of the loctite, but they do /not/ evidence the
    galling and the amount of torque to move is substantially less. i
    posted pics of all this back in the day. i can repost if required. it
    appears that the splines help reduce the amount of lash, and if there's
    no lash [in conjunction with the loctite], the bolt can't move hence
    it's now easier to unscrew.
    jim beam, Jul 10, 2006
  13. swhaley

    Elle Guest

    ISTM a number of bicycling enthusiasts throw the term
    "precession" around (IMO, so loosely as to be reckless) to
    explain the ordinary, expected motion between female and
    male (bolt, stud, nut etc.) threads against each other when
    it comes to bike pedal rotation. It seems that some of the
    more sophisticated ones point out that it is not the
    notion of precession meant here. Some guy named Andy tries
    to make the distinction as follows: .
    I am not sure he's being entirely accurate with his wording,
    either, but at least he recognizes it's not gyroscopic
    precession that's meant here.

    As one pedals to move a bike forward, the left pedal rotates
    so as to loosen a right-hand thread (put bearings in
    between, if anyone wants). It's still simply torque being
    applied directly to the pedal stud so as to loosen (if it's
    a right hand thread) and tighten (if it's a left-hand
    thread, which it is on the left pedal).

    I still wouldn't bet money on all the causes I propose at my
    web site being behind the pulley bolt becoming so tight. I
    would bet money that the very fine thread and heat and high
    dynamic load cycling does have something to do with it.

    Getting material specifications would help, but using Google
    I can't even nail down exactly what steel is used in Snap-On
    socket extensions, never mind the "special bolt" used for
    the crankshaft pulley. (Any fool can guess of course, and
    plenty do.)
    Elle, Jul 10, 2006
  14. Well, I'll be! You're right!

    Michael Pardee, Jul 11, 2006
  15. swhaley

    jim beam Guest

    good point about "all causes". i don't know all causes either, but i am
    however trained to observe carefully, and from that the following facts

    1. there is angular galling under the bolt head. that's hard evidence
    of some rotation.
    2. the rotation direction on the crank is such that the bolt would
    tighten against a "stationary" pulley wheel.
    3. the apparent pulley bolt torque increases from ~120 ft.lbs to
    ~300ft.lbs in ~30 miles.

    i also know from other research that bolts can tighten. now, the dots
    on this may not all be joined, but an outline appears to be there.
    jim beam, Jul 11, 2006
  16. swhaley

    Elle Guest

    That's properly qualified and so reasonable, AFAIC. It's an
    outline, but nothing certain as yet.

    I am interested in point 3 above. I remember your mentioning
    some months ago that you had generally evaluated the
    tightness after torquing to spec and then driving briefly.
    Did you redo this experiment a few times, estimating as best
    you could the torque necessary to free the bolt each time?

    I am still not willing to remove my Civic's pulley bolt more
    than is necessary--too lazy and I don't like putting wear
    and tear on such an expensive bolt with super fine threads,
    and so more susceptible to stripping in my estimation, at
    that. Admittedly that might be overworry on my part.

    I will say that in 2004 when I first got some experience
    with my 91 Civic's pulley bolt that the first time I broke
    it free (some three years after it was last removed)
    demanded, from memory, notably more force than the next few
    times I freed it. (I spent a few weeks researching and
    preparing to replace the front crankshaft seal blah blah,
    and so ended up freeing the bolt I think maybe four times
    algother during this period.) I did not try to estimate the
    torque to free it after the first removal, since I was kinda

    Why is it again that you feel the abrasion beneath the bolt
    head could not occur while torquing the bolt to spec with
    the pulley fixed?
    Elle, Jul 11, 2006
  17. swhaley

    jim beam Guest

    yes, best estimate #'s. i've done it twice on the 91 crx and twice on
    the 89 civic. pretty much the same tightening experience on both. i
    will say though, second release was not /quite/ as high as first. full
    body weight at 18" = 300ft.lbs for second release, near enough. first
    release requires a little "bounce" of that weight, so what's that? 330?
    not 400 though.
    it's not delicate. pitch is 1.25mm, so not that fine.
    sure, but it sure is tighter than the torque-wrenched tightening that
    precedes it!
    there will be some abrasion on simple tightening, but that's usually
    really superficial. comparison between two identical bolts, one from a
    splined/loctited pulley wheel and one from a single woodruff/no loctite
    show that the latter is abrading substantially and therefore lashing,
    the former is not. this is consistent between junkyard hondas i've
    inspected of the splined/unsplined eras. the type of galling is also
    inconsistent with that seen from large angle rotation - it definitely
    appears to be lashing within a limited range.
    jim beam, Jul 11, 2006
  18. I have experienced the tightness with age in other cars with clockwise
    rotating engines, also. Our Volvo took much more than the spec'd 190 ft-lbs
    the first time I changed the timing belt. I had a floor jack under the 9
    inch socket handle and the tires had started to come up off the ground
    before the bolt moved. When the harmonic balancer failed a few months later
    it took much less. With the second timing belt change it was back to its
    wicked ways.

    Michael Pardee, Jul 11, 2006
  19. swhaley

    Elle Guest

    I think it's hard to estimate the effect of bounces. A
    person jumps say six inches, s/he accelerates to a certain
    velocity. Whatever s/he hits decelerates the person from
    that velocity, producing the force that is higher than mere
    body weight, as I trust you and others here are aware.
    Surely your bouncing is less than around 550 ft-lbs., but I
    base this number only on general reports of how much torque
    is needed to free the bolt, not any rough physics
    calculations involving body deceleration, and so force
    applied, by the breaker bar.

    I am not troubled by the second release being a bit easier.
    Goes towards arguing that years of heat and load cycling do
    contribute to the tightness.
    It's delicate to me, though maybe not because of the fine
    pitch. Maybe it's the fatigue it sees.

    I have a vague recollection that the bolt is supposed to be
    replaced every so often.
    That might be something to expect. IIRC, one important point
    (of many) Tegger has brought up on this subject is that the
    torque to free can vary quite a lot from the torque to
    tighten, even if it was just a few moments before that the
    bolt was tightened. I believe plenty of sources back this

    It's a very inexact science, though, like many sciences,
    with high reliability. Torque does not directly,
    formulaically correlate to clamping strength. Or, rather,
    formulae used to determine clamping strength from torque are
    crude estimates. There is just so much at play: Dry surface
    age and so condition, lubricants, torque wrench
    inaccuracies, material differences from one bolt to the
    next, temperature...
    Your opinion is noted.
    Elle, Jul 11, 2006
  20. swhaley

    Burt Guest

    Your Volvo has a rock stiff engine mount. We have an 82 Volvo
    and it still runs but drives like a tank.
    Burt, Jul 12, 2006
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