Cruise control problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Shawn Taylor, May 24, 2005.

  1. Shawn Taylor

    Shawn Taylor Guest

    For some reason my cruise control only works sometimes. The problem is, when
    i hit the cruise control buton absolutley nothing happens, But when i press
    it several times finally it turns on. And when it does it works just fine.
    My upper brake light bulb has been replaced. What co0uld the problem be?
    Shawn Taylor, May 24, 2005
  2. Shawn Taylor

    MooGoCow Guest

    What kind of honda is this? (model, year, trim level) Also be sure
    that you are going fast enough. Depending on the model cruise will not
    engage until you reach a certain speed.
    MooGoCow, May 25, 2005
  3. Shawn Taylor

    duckbill Guest

    Just a silly thought to consider. My 95 Civic EX will not go into cruise
    if my foot is even slightly touching the brake or clutch pedal. Also, one
    of those switches (brake, clutch) could be out of adjustment. Good luck.
    duckbill, May 26, 2005
  4. Shawn Taylor

    Shawn Taylor Guest

    sorry its a 99 accord ex manual, i am going fast enough. I forgot to add
    normally when its cold I have to press the cruise set for even longer before
    it turns on.
    Shawn Taylor, May 26, 2005
  5. Shawn Taylor

    JEHU Guest

    My cruise control stopped working on my 2000 civic a while back, it was
    caused by a Honda tech leaving the vaccum line off for the cruise control
    system. AND it also caused an eratic idle which I was told was the
    IACV... good thing I looked under the hood after I got the car back, plugged
    line in, idle good and cruise back.

    JEHU, May 31, 2005
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