Cruise control

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jim, Nov 15, 2003.

  1. jim

    jim Guest

    i got a 2001 honda civic with cruise control... have a kid who always
    puts it on and then when hitting the brakes says it does not cut off
    like it should.. i want to disconnect the cruise control. any ideas of
    how to do this???? thanks for a reply
    jim, Nov 15, 2003
  2. jim

    Randolph Guest

    Don't know how the 2001 looks, but in my '94 you can pop out the cruise
    on/off switch, disconnect the wires and put the switch back in place.
    The problem is that if your kid is old enough to drive, he or she is
    probably old enough to figure out how to get the cruise working again.
    Randolph, Nov 15, 2003
  3. jim

    jim Guest

    thanks that was the answer i was looking for,, i will remove the wires
    and put some crimp caps on the ends so there is no more cruise control..
    jim, Nov 15, 2003
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