Cruise Hesitation Problem

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim Pflaum, Jul 9, 2003.

  1. Jim Pflaum

    Jim Pflaum Guest

    Have '91 Accord EX coupe with 81K. It's been a great car, except it
    now has a slight, continuous hesitation during cruise. More noticeable
    at higher cruise speeds (50 MPH +) than at lower cruise speeds. Have
    replaced air filter, and cleaned and gapped plugs, but problem
    persists. What should I check next? Thanks! Jim – Raleigh, NC
    Jim Pflaum, Jul 9, 2003
  2. Jim Pflaum

    Adam Wilner Guest

    Check and Clean the EGR, the Ports get clogged up with carbon, after
    cleaning it, reset the computer and test, it should be markedly improved
    Adam Wilner, Jul 9, 2003
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