CRV 2006 help

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by twfsa, Feb 12, 2006.

  1. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    My mom has a 2006 CR-V automatic trans, when you start the engine put it
    into drive and move foward about 50 ft you hear a clanking noise from the
    front, it will only make this noise when the engine has been shut off,
    re-started and put in drive.

    After you hear the clanking noise you will not hear it again driveing in
    town until you shut it off and re-start the engine.

    twfsa, Feb 12, 2006
  2. twfsa

    Larry J. Guest

    The car is in warranty. Bring it to the dealer.
    Larry J., Feb 12, 2006
  3. twfsa

    Art Guest

    Probably anti lock brakes waking up. Probably normal.
    Art, Feb 12, 2006
  4. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    I think I'll call the dealer and see what they have to say, or else it will
    have to wait till the dealer does the first oil change and can look at it, I
    think its the nature of the beast myself, if it did it all the time from
    every stop then I would be concerned.

    twfsa, Feb 13, 2006
  5. twfsa

    chip Guest

    It's called pad shift. the brake pads are shifting in the caliper
    mount. It's normal. don't bother asking the dealer.
    chip, Feb 15, 2006
  6. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    I don't think its pad shift if that were the case it would make that noise
    after you back up and go foward, which it does not do as my 2001 CR-v does,
    but thanks for your reply.

    twfsa, Feb 15, 2006
  7. twfsa

    RWM Guest

    If it's like the 2005, it is the reverse lockout solenoid triggering.

    twfsa wrote:

    RWM, Feb 15, 2006
  8. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    That makes sense do you know what the reverse lock out solonoid does? My
    guess is it does not allow the vehicle to be put into reverse when moving

    twfsa, Feb 16, 2006
  9. twfsa

    RWM Guest

    That is the design intent, yes.
    RWM, Feb 16, 2006
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