CRV latest model

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Law, Sep 24, 2005.

  1. Law

    Law Guest

    Thinking of buying this car. What is the opion?
    Law, Sep 24, 2005

  2. ------------------------------


    This might be a good place to look. Sign in and SEARCH first, ask
    questions later.

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 24, 2005
  3. Law

    Anonamous Guest

    We own two 2003's and have had very good luck.

    We recently considered another one for our son
    but decided on a Kia Sportage. It's a whole lot
    more vehicle for the money.
    Anonamous, Sep 25, 2005
    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 25, 2005
  5. A more important question would be:

    Will a Kia hold up at all for a long time?
    High Tech Misfit, Sep 25, 2005
  6. Law

    Guest Guest

    And how safe if the Kia compared to the CRV?

    Guest, Sep 26, 2005
  7. Law

    jamo Guest

    You guys are funny, but right.
    It amazes me how many people base their vehicle purchasing on price alone.
    There's no real thought on resale or much else.
    Who the hell in their right mind is going to compare a Honda CRV to a Kia
    jamo, Sep 27, 2005
  8. Law

    Anonamous Guest

    No offense but you have a lot to learn about the Sportage.

    As I said in my earlier post, we own two CRV's.

    I used to think the way you do.....

    The Sportage is very similar except better. Here's why.

    The interior is much nicer. The seats are much

    nicer especially the material. The back seats

    recline much farther than the CRV's. The Sportage

    has far more cup holders and they are not in the

    arm rests. (There is actually over an inch more

    room for back seat passengers.)

    The lighting is MUCH better. There are entry lights

    on the doors and the rear lighting is farther back

    so it doesn't distract the driver.

    The doors shut much nicer. The vehicle is so much

    quieter you won't believe it. I thought road and

    wind noise was the price you paid for a lighter more

    economical vehicle. The Sportage has virtually no

    road and wind noise and I get 1-2 miles per gallon

    better than our Hondas.

    The arm rest in the Sportage is very clever adjusting

    to different heights and providing storage to boot.

    (Way better than the CRV.)

    The Sportage gas fill flap release is conveniently

    placed right next to the drivers seat. I'd like to

    give the yo-yo that put the CRV release lever down

    under the dash a piece of my mind. The Sportage

    emergency brake lever is also more convenient.

    I really like the 16" 60 series tires and alloy wheels

    which is probably why the vehicle is so much quieter

    and smoother.

    When we bought our CRV's, I liked the storage well

    under the back deck. The Sportage has a better one

    with dividers.

    The power and security systems are better. The Sportage

    windows operate after turning the motor off until you

    open a door which is really convenient. Many other

    cars do but the CRV doesn't. The doors will lock

    after shutting them even if they are open when you

    press lock. The Honda's won't. The Sportage will

    re-lock itself if you don't open a door in a minute

    or so. (Again, other cars have this but Honda doesn't).

    The Sportage has 6 airbags standard, not two or four.

    The Sportage has a nifty trip computer not offered

    by Honda. It's MPG and Range displays are right on.

    The radio is far better better.

    On top of that. The oil drain doesn't sit over the

    exhaust which has caused fires on CRV's. I also like

    the fact that I don't have to buy special oil and


    Oh yes. The Sportage V6 is 15 hp more than the CRV

    4 cylinder. It gets better mileage with more power.

    The towing capacity is also higher.

    The warranty is 3 times better....

    Don't take my word for it go drive one!
    Anonamous, Sep 28, 2005
  9. Reality check: Those FEW CR-V fires were caused by improper changing of the
    oil filter. The filter gasket was not changed when it should have been.

    And you're going to need it.

    No thanks. I don't care how long a warranty lasts and what it covers. The
    CR-V is much less likely to break down than a Kia, and that's all that
    High Tech Misfit, Sep 28, 2005
  10. Law

    Law Guest

    But, people still preferred Japanese made unless you are keeping the vehicle
    for life and forever no need to change car!.

    Even then, keeping for life is impossible other than British . No spare
    parts later on.
    Law, Sep 30, 2005
  11. Law

    hondaman Guest

    i dont care how good you may claim the kia is its still a disposable car
    once it gets older it will only be worth 1/2 the price of a crv of the same
    age. and wait till it needs to be repaired for something petty and they have
    to disasemble a whole bunch of stuff just to get to what needs replaced.
    i'll stick with honda any day. you get what you pay for.

    hondaman, Sep 30, 2005
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