CRV rentals

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by John Robertson, Mar 15, 2005.

  1. well hi!

    I'm looking into renting a CRV for the weekend as a test drive, but I'm not
    having any luck finding one in the US (much less Norman, OK). Any ideas?

    John Robertson, Mar 15, 2005
  2. John Robertson

    Nightdude Guest

    Only small time rental companies carry Honda/Acura rentals. I can rent an
    Odyssey here in Toronto, but not from the big ones!
    Nightdude, Mar 15, 2005
  3. John Robertson

    Brian Smith Guest

    Go to the dealership in town, and ask them if they will
    allow you to have one for the weekend for a test drive.
    It's done around here.

    Brian Smith, Mar 15, 2005
  4. John Robertson

    sonarrat Guest

    Eh, I did this with a Civic Si once. They wouldn't let me drive it more
    than 50 miles away from the dealership - and I worked for them..

    sonarrat, Jun 4, 2005
  5. John Robertson

    Brian Smith Guest

    That's interesting. When I have my car in for service, I take a vehicle for
    a test drive (they don't supply loaners any more), and I go as far as I need
    to travel. I have topped up the fuel level to what it was before my 'test
    drive' to be fair <g>.

    Brian Smith, Jun 4, 2005
  6. John Robertson

    sonarrat Guest

    I'll bet this dealer would give you one of the manager's demos in that
    situation, although I haven't asked for a service loaner. They don't
    have any cars specifically earmarked as loaners. I just took the car
    because at the time, I hadn't yet bought a car from them and I was
    interested in that model. I was working for them as a salesman. I
    hated that job, and I'll never do it again, but it taught me everything
    I'll ever need to know about buying cars.

    A talk with my insurance salesman convinced me to buy an Element rather
    than a Civic Si.

    sonarrat, Jun 4, 2005
  7. John Robertson

    Brian Smith Guest

    I used to take the sales manager's demo, but management decided that the
    insurance coverage for non employees was too high. So a test drive fills the
    bill now.
    That makes sense. Although I drive a large box for work (tractor trailer
    <g>), and I like my Accord's style.

    Brian Smith, Jun 5, 2005
  8. John Robertson

    sonarrat Guest

    That's an interesting and slightly worrying revelation. I suppose they
    expect YOUR insurance to pick up the slack?
    I like the Accord's style too, but it won't swallow three bikes, and I
    can't swallow two car payments...

    sonarrat, Jun 5, 2005
  9. John Robertson

    Brian Smith Guest

    That's the way it works.
    I know what you mean {;^)

    Brian Smith, Jun 5, 2005
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