CRV slurping noise when accelerating

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by nespa2, Sep 13, 2006.

  1. nespa2

    nespa2 Guest

    I just took my Honda CRV to the dealer to get the timing belt and water
    pump changed since I have 112,000 miles on it already. Now I've been
    noticing a slurping sound sort of like the one you hear when sucking
    throught a straw when you've run out of almost all the liquid and just
    have ice left in your glass (I don't know how else to explain it).
    Anyway, it just seems to get louder when I press on the gas pedal - is
    this normal because my car is getting older? I think the sound was
    there before the repairs at the dealer but I do notice it more now. Any
    input would be appreciated - Thanks!
    nespa2, Sep 13, 2006
  2. nespa2

    Earle Horton Guest

    "Slurping" is a new one on me! It could be that the dealer didn't get all
    the air out of the cooling system after replacing the water pump. That
    might make a noise. Check the coolant level to make sure it hasn't gone
    down, and in the future every time you check the oil. The air intake does
    make a sucking noise. Some people just get used to it. Some people never

    Earle Horton, Sep 13, 2006
  3. nespa2

    nespa2 Guest

    Thanks Earle! I know "slurping" is kind of odd but like I said, I didn't
    know how to explain it.
    nespa2, Sep 13, 2006
  4. ----------------------------------

    Owner's manual says you need to fill the reservoir to the MAX mark any
    time you've had work done on the cooling system. Check it again in a
    couple days and add again if necessary. Use Honda premix for best
    results, no tap water.

    Tell us if it improves . . .

    'Curly Q. Links', Sep 13, 2006
  5. nespa2

    marco Guest

    Check for any holes or cuts in the rubber or plastic parts of the intake
    tube between air filter and engine. Could it also be a vacuum leak

    marco, Sep 14, 2006
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