CRV squeal on turn?

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Airkings, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. Airkings

    Airkings Guest

    I have a 2001 CRV that has been running fine, and has 35,000 miles. The
    warranty ran a month ago. I now hear a squeal in my turns (tight turns
    only - usually at the end of the turning range). I fear this might be my CV
    joints, but am not sure.

    Any pros know what this likely is? If it is something like the CV joints,
    what's the repair cost? Any chance Honda might squeak me in under the
    Airkings, Nov 8, 2004
  2. Airkings

    Greg Guest

    Power steering pump belt slipping ??

    Greg, Nov 8, 2004
  3. I second the power steering pump/belt.

    The belt is the first thing to check - if you open the hood and have
    somebody turn the wheel to the end with the engine running, you shouldn't
    see the power steering pump pulley slow down. If it does, replace at least
    the P/S belt (it will have worn smooth from the slippage). It would be a
    good time to replace any other belts, too.

    It is also possible it is the P/S pump overpressure bypass valve (normally
    inside the pump). Sometimes they start squalling when the steering is at the
    limit. I'm not sure what the cause and the cure are, but it is harmless -
    except to your nerves.

    Michael Pardee, Nov 8, 2004
  4. Airkings

    JoJo Guest

    If the noise is coming from the back have the rear differential oil changed.
    I had the same problem for my 97 CRV.
    JoJo, Nov 8, 2004
  5. Airkings

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Contrary to your Owner's Manual, the correct time to change your Dual
    Pump Fluid is 30,000 miles (50,000 Km). The European manuals have the
    right interval.

    When it loses it's viscosity, the twenty-something clutch surfaces
    inside the rear differential start to chatter, while doing tight turns.

    You need just over a litre, and you have to use the Honda stuff.

    P.S. Your valve adjustment is also due now. (manual is wrong too)

    motsco_ _, Nov 8, 2004
  6. Airkings

    Honda Doc Guest

    Valve adjustment is due at 105k miles, only if needed.
    Honda Doc, Nov 9, 2004
  7. Airkings

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Funny that Honda USA sometimes pays the victims of burnt valves when
    they bring up the point that the European manuals all have a more
    realistic interval.

    Saying to 'check if they get noisy' would be OK, except that CRV valves
    never get loose . . they always get tighter (quieter) until the CHECK
    ENGINE light comes on.

    Valve(s) already toasted :-(

    Engineers know the rules, technicians know the exceptions. (not sure who
    said that)

    motsco_ _, Nov 9, 2004
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