CRV Vs. Tucson?

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by Tom, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. Tom

    Tom Guest

    I am considering both the 2005 CRV lx 4WD and the 2005 Hyundai Tucson 4WD
    V6. For 900.00 dollars less than the CRV the Hyundai has a V6, heater
    wipers, mirrors, fog lights and a roof rack. Does anyone have experience
    with Hyundai in terms of reliability, quality or owner satisfaction? I have
    had an accord and civic and strongly considering the CRV, because I like
    Hondas. I live in the North East where it is cold and snowy, so both will
    come in handy. Should I give Hyundai a chance?

    Tom, Feb 3, 2005
  2. Tom

    motsco_ _ Guest

    motsco_ _, Feb 3, 2005
  3. Tom

    SoCalMike Guest

    hyundais have improved... a lot. that said, the tucson is brand new. any
    bugs in the design wont show up for a while. longer warranty, and more
    features, but is the quality there? who knows.
    SoCalMike, Feb 3, 2005
  4. Tom

    dragon Guest

    this is a Honda group....what do you think you would hear about the Hyundai?
    dragon, Feb 4, 2005
  5. Tom

    Tom Guest

    Well actually believe it or not, people sometimes have more than one brand
    of car in their household and someone might be familiar with both Honda and
    Hyundai and post in the Honda NG. I have had Honda, Nissan, Pontiac, VW,
    ford, Mazda, and had family with Toyota, so I have been accustomed to more
    than Honda.

    I'm looking for a reliable small SUV such as the CRV and haven't heard
    anything bad about it yet.
    Tom, Feb 5, 2005
  6. Tom

    John Guest

    How long did it take you to become bitter and sarcastic? Is your life so
    miserable that you answer a simple question with sarcasm?
    John, Feb 5, 2005
  7. Tom

    Tom Guest

    Listen John,

    I'm not here to argue, I just wanted some basic facts and opinions on
    Hyundai from those that owned them. I have a successful career and I am not
    bitter and miserable. I am not sarcastic, just wanted to state the facts. I
    already have an idea I am buying the 2005 CRV this spring, but I just wanted
    some input from others.
    Tom, Feb 5, 2005
  8. Tom

    motsco_ _ Guest


    The CR-V will have that same Honda 'fit' that you're accustomed to and
    the AWD is great. A reliable, efficient honda engine is way better than
    a bigger engine from anybody. Another point to keep in mind . . The
    resale value for the CR-V will be retained WAY better than the Tucson.
    The ACTUAL cost of ownership on the Honda products is lower, according
    to the brochures they hand out every month at the honda dealers.

    motsco_ _, Feb 6, 2005
  9. Tom

    motsco_ _ Guest

    motsco_ _, Feb 6, 2005
  10. Tom

    SoCalMike Guest

    my '98 civic has cost me about $220 in unscheduled repairs in the past 7
    years. namely, one O2 sensor. im happy.
    SoCalMike, Feb 6, 2005
  11. I think John was talking to dragon who posted a snide remark.

    I would recommend the Honda unless you feel like a gamble. The
    Hyundai will lose value more quickly but that won't matter if you keep
    it a long time. The problem is that, if you keep it a long time, you
    may find it isn't very reliable/durable. Then again, it may be fine.
    Like I said, a gamble.
    Gordon McGrew, Feb 8, 2005
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