CRV's catching fire after oil change...

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by ROBMURR, Jul 9, 2004.


    ROBMURR Guest

    Thought I would post this here..
    My sister has the new CRV and after an oil change at the Honda dealer
    the oil filter sprang a leak and sprayed oil all over the place. She lost a
    couple quarts before noticing.. Now this:

    Report: SUVs Catch Fire Following Oil Changes

    POSTED: 8:58 am EDT July 9, 2004

    WASHINGTON -- The Washington Post reported more than two dozen cases of
    late-model Honda CR-V sport utility vehicles bursting into flames shortly after
    their first oil changes.

    The newspaper cites records provided to the federal government by Honda.

    No injuries have been reported, and many of the vehicles -- from the 2003 and
    2004 model years -- were destroyed.

    The Post said The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration
    concluded this month the incidents are the fault of dealerships and mechanics.
    The agency says the problem stems from improperly installed oil filters that
    most likely leaked oil onto the vehicles' hot exhaust systems.

    Honda said a design flaw is not to blame, but it's still studying the cause of
    the fires. The company said it's not planning a recall.

    Auto safety advocates are bothered that the NHTSA did not take a stronger stand
    on this, The Post reported.

    "Relatively new cars catching on fire? Running the risk of injuring their
    occupants? It's a very unusual and a very dangerous situation," Sally Greenberg
    of Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports told The Post. "The fact that
    a routine oil change could have such catastrophic results 'suggests a dire and
    a dangerous situation that both the automaker and the auto safety agency should
    have looked much more closely at.'"

    The Post told the story of a driver in Virginia last January whose 2003 CR-V
    caught fire. She reportedly swerved onto the shoulder of the highway and then
    her electrical system shorted out and all the doors locked. That woman escaped
    without injury.

    About 140,000 CR-Vs were sold in the United States in 2003, according to The
    ROBMURR, Jul 9, 2004

    Sean Dinh Guest

    I don't see the significant of an electrical short that locks all the door. Wtf are
    those manual lock knob for?
    Sean Dinh, Jul 9, 2004
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