CRX code 16 + 2000rpm test + lurching @ 3000rpm+

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Meatman, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. Meatman

    Meatman Guest

    1988 CRX DX. DPFI. All stock. Cold as hell out now to troubleshoot,
    so throw these symptoms together, stir 'em up, and gimme a gut feeling
    of their interrelatedness and where to start looking first. Have
    HELMS manual, will travel! Thanks, dudes!
    -Notably on cold start it throws FLASH CODE 16 - low/improper FI
    voltage. Will reset and disappear on later starts. Might reappear.
    -Per something I've seen mentioned in several places (here and in the
    manual) operating temp and in N, car will not hold steady 2000rpm
    for 1 minute without racing at some point.
    -Approaching 3500rpm under heavy accel car suddenly lurches like a
    beast. As if it were either intermittently starved for fuel OR if
    ignition were cutting in and out. Hard, fast, and erratic lurch and
    ---Thoughts? Kevin.
    Meatman, Dec 19, 2010
  2. Meatman

    jim beam Guest

    code 16 is almost always caused by a fault with the main relay. once
    the car starts, it'll usually run without further problems until the
    next time you try to start it. but i think that's a side issue, and not
    causing your other problems.

    for the rest, make sure all your connectors are good, including throttle
    position sensor, idle control valve, injectors, etc., and most
    important, your ignition.

    for ignition, when were the distributor cap, rotor and plug leads last
    replaced? were they replaced with sweaty fingers? i ask because sweat
    contains salt, and in cold/damp weather, moisture condenses on that and
    can cause the spark to track to ground with the symptoms you describe.

    i've also seen problems caused by a faulty tandem control valve hose,
    and even an incorrectly routed throttle cable [has to go under the
    throttle opener valve rod, not over as sometimes seems to be done].

    check out for the how-to's on the main relay, and get back to
    us on the other stuff. that's a great little car, and a lot of fun to
    drive. if you want a bolt-on performance improvement for about $30, you
    can get a cam from a d15b7 92-95 civic that's nearly as good as the si
    cam, without the re-timing problems. if you want to go the whole way,
    you can get a cam from a jdm zc motor, fit an adjustable timing gear
    advanced by 5.5° and you'll have even more cheap fun. good luck.
    jim beam, Dec 19, 2010
  3. Meatman

    Tegger Guest

    They made a CRX with DPFI? I thought they were all multiport.
    Tegger, Dec 19, 2010
  4. Meatman

    jim beam Guest

    yup, the dx is the dpfi d15b2 motor. i used to have one.
    jim beam, Dec 20, 2010
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