CRX-HF idle adjust?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rex B, Oct 3, 2003.

  1. Rex B

    Rex B Guest

    My CRX with original 1.5 HF engine won't idle, like the idle speed is set too
    low. Looking at a shop manual and a Haynes, I cannot tell clearly which screw
    is for setting idle. There is no screw in the traditional location at the end
    of the throttle cable. As nearly as I can tell from the illustrations, it's a
    screw on the top of the throttle body, head facing upstream (to the passenger
    side). The only thing in that location is a recessed brass screwhead with a thin
    slot, diameter about 3/8". Is that the correct adjustment point?

    Also, it appears to be running rich. After driving a few miles to a store, and
    trying to restart after 10 minutes, it acts like it's flooded. Takes some
    cranking to get it going, then it runs OK, although fuel milage is down around
    25 mpg. Is there a component which can fail and then bleed fuel into the

    Other suggestions?

    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Rex in Fort Worth
    Rex B, Oct 3, 2003
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