Current equivalent to CRX HF or Civic VX

Discussion in 'Civic' started by cobra.0019, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. cobra.0019

    cobra.0019 Guest

    Has Honda made a manual Civic after 1995 that gets as good gas mileage
    as a 88-91 CRX HF or 92-95 Civic VX without having to get a hybrid?
    cobra.0019, Jan 4, 2008
  2. cobra.0019

    Elle Guest

    Your best bet for good mileage with a non-hybrid Honda today
    is the Honda Fit.

    The fuel efficient CRX and the Fit's engines are both 1.5L.
    It's the tiny engine size that gives the great fuel

    See for specifics of vehicles like fuel mileage
    and engine size.
    Elle, Jan 4, 2008
  3. cobra.0019

    cobra.0019 Guest

    I guess it's the closest they have. The CRX HF and Civic VX got
    something like 50 mpg highway / 40 city, and the Fit gets something
    like 38 mpg highway / 33 city. I'm guessing the Fit is heavier even
    though it has the same engine.
    cobra.0019, Jan 4, 2008
  4. cobra.0019

    Elle Guest

    I forgot about the HF. Below I was referring to the 1.5L CRX
    (vice the 1.6L CRX that is also available).

    I bet you're right about the weights.

    I guess it's the closest they have. The CRX HF and Civic VX
    something like 50 mpg highway / 40 city, and the Fit gets
    like 38 mpg highway / 33 city. I'm guessing the Fit is
    heavier even
    though it has the same engine.
    Elle, Jan 4, 2008
  5. Actually, the highest rated CRX models were the 1985-87 1300
    displacement models which were the successor vehicles to my '83 Civic FE.

    Currently, the FE is getting 42+ mph in mixed driving and it has a less
    efficient '81 block but the FE accessories.

    I hope to rebuild the original 1300 FE block in the next year and will
    install it when the current gives me a problem.

    I have no intention of ever getting rid of this car!


    (Who filled up today with $2.99 gas but it only took 5.5 gal...)
    Grumpy AuContraire, Jan 4, 2008
  6. cobra.0019

    ecarecar Guest

    I always get between 50 to 55 m/gal in my 98 Civic HX. However, once, a
    genuine "Little Old Lady" gave me a digital gesture. It was quite
    ecarecar, Jan 5, 2008
  7. cobra.0019

    Steve Pankow Guest

    My '91 is still going strong. Only 130K and still on the original
    clutch. Barely.
    Steve Pankow, Jan 5, 2008
  8. cobra.0019

    Dave Garrett Guest

    The Fit is considerably heavier than any of the various HF models (1st-
    or 2nd-generation) - roughly 2400-2500 lbs vs. 1700-2000 lbs:

    Dave Garrett, Jan 5, 2008
  9. cobra.0019

    cobra.0019 Guest

    I've been looking into the Civic HX as well. I like those, but why
    did they stop making the Civic HXs starting in 2006? Is it because
    they have the Hybrid now and want to gouge people to get good mileage
    that used to be available without the extra cost?

    The hybrid is a good idea but Honda should give people the option of
    the HX to still get over 40 mpg highway without having to pay for all
    the extra costs that the hybrid involves.
    cobra.0019, Jan 9, 2008
  10. cobra.0019

    motsco_ Guest


    Ya gotta love that bumper sticker that says:

    _"Horn not working, watch for hand signals"_

    :) 'Curly'
    motsco_, Jan 9, 2008
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