CV boots

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by twfsa, Apr 4, 2006.

  1. twfsa

    twfsa Guest

    Had a outer CV boot replaced on 01 CR-V and its slinging some grease on the
    wheel, is it possible that there was to much grease installed and its being
    forced out when the axle flexes.

    twfsa, Apr 4, 2006
  2. twfsa

    scube Guest

    I replaced both my axles about a month ago, and the other day I noticed
    some grease accumulating on the rubber. At first I thought the grease
    was from some accumulated junk under there (my last CV axles sprayed
    grease EVERYWHERE), but upon closer inspection I have a small tear
    (penny nail size, really) in my boot and the centripetal force has
    squeezed some grease out.
    My next concern is what exactly does my warranty cover here? IMO
    I would go for the entire axle change in the future. A refurb is about
    $50 (w/ core exchange) and it's warranted, usually for the life of the
    car....whatever that means....
    scube, Apr 5, 2006
  3. twfsa

    jim beam Guest

    it's road damage and therefore not covered by warranty. clean it up as
    best you can by pinching it open and wiping the grease off the tear
    surfaces, wiping with alchohol until it's clean and drys completely,
    then use one of the special rubber-specific loctites. #404 iirc.
    jim beam, Apr 5, 2006
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