CV joint noise

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by SCN, Oct 7, 2006.

  1. SCN

    SCN Guest

    My 2000 Honda Civic is making a kind of groining noise when braking. The pads
    are fine and the rotors have been turned. I have isolated this noise to the
    right side of the car. It appears that I might be coming from the CV joint
    has anyone very experienced this before the boot is not busted and no sign of
    any grease has come out of the boot. What are your thoughts? Thanks
    SCN, Oct 7, 2006

  2. ---------------------------

    Why would the joint make any noise when braking? More likely the wheel
    bearing since you're putting a ton of torque on it (but little on the

    Veering left and right at speed will sometimes show up a bad wheel
    bearing. If you turn left and it makes noise, it's the right one.

    If you have ABS, are you sure it's not trying to engage? Rotated your
    tires faithfully? There are some TSB's about that phenomenon. It may not
    be for Civic, but it's in there.

    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 7, 2006
  3. SCN

    SCN Guest

    Well that is what is so strange about it. I have never seen one so this. I
    did have the thought about the wheel bearing and tried the turn back an forth
    and did not seem to be a problem. even went as far as jacking the car up on
    the right side and it still make the noise with no weight on it at all.
    Strange isn't it.
    SCN, Oct 8, 2006
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