D16 << Cylinder head STUCK to block

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Crystal, Apr 13, 2006.

  1. Crystal

    Crystal Guest

    I removed all head studs, belts and even removed the cam and the head
    still won't come off. I even went as far as beating it with a plastic
    mallet - doesn't move a hair. Removed still the entire intake manifold
    with no progress. Sprayed the hell out of the seam with PB blaster. Not
    breaking free. Any ideas?
    Crystal, Apr 13, 2006

  2. ----------------------------------

    If the valves are all closed anyway (can't collide with anything),
    wouldn't SPINNING it over pop that sucker off, or just crack it in
    half? :-(

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 13, 2006
  3. Crystal

    Crystal Guest

    Honestly, this is my second takedown of a motor. My first was a d16
    also and the head came right off. I didn't even have to tap it. This
    one is like fused in place or something. I'm very interested to know
    possible causes of this. Is it common? I realize the motor is old,
    but it was taken out of a _running_ car not 6 months ago. I first
    thought it may be warped but still it seems like there is nothing
    holding it in place but it's stuck anyways.
    Crystal, Apr 13, 2006
  4. Crystal

    TeGGeR® Guest

    One common trick is to feed lots of rope down the #1 or #4 cylinder's spark
    plug hole with the piston part way down, then crank it over by hand. The
    piston compresses the rope, then (theoretically) levers the head off. If
    cranking it by hand doesn't work, operate the starter motor.

    It's possible somebody used sealant at the last gasket change, or corrosion
    is holding everything together,
    TeGGeR®, Apr 13, 2006
  5. Crystal

    scott Guest

    That worked just fine for me on an old 2000 cc Pinto engine, but I would
    suggest putting in a few head bolts loosely so the head won't come off and
    land on something expensive.
    scott, Apr 14, 2006
  6. Does one corner have protruding metal tabs where you can safely pry it
    open with a screwdriver tip? My previous two cars had those for the
    valve covers but I've never tried taking a head off.
    Kevin McMurtrie, Apr 14, 2006
  7. ------------------------------

    I can just picture the laughter down at the Coroner's department as they
    write up the 'CAUSE OF DEATH' paperwork: 'Hit in head by a flying Honda

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 14, 2006

  8. ------------------------------

    I can just picture the laughter down at the Coroner's department as they
    write up the 'CAUSE OF DEATH' paperwork: 'Hit in head by a flying Honda

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 14, 2006
  9. Crystal

    Guy Pelchat Guest

    I use compressed air .

    Guy Pelchat, Apr 14, 2006
  10. Crystal

    Crystal Guest

    I got the head off finally yesterday. I took a fairly thin chisel and
    picked a spot where I could hammer it (more like wedge it) into a
    spot where it wouldn't affect the head/block seal, and then once I
    got it in I pryed it open by hitting the chisel downward.

    Now I have the same problem with another D16 I'm taking apart. The
    transmission won't break free from the block. It's really pissing me
    Crystal, Apr 15, 2006
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