Damaged dash board on 2004 honda civic

Discussion in 'Civic' started by mdrumr, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. mdrumr

    mdrumr Guest

    I was attempting to trasport a television in my 2004 honda civic 2 dr. (note:
    2dr cars are not recomended for transporting large items.) Anyway, while in
    the process of doing such, i damaged the dash board. There are several small
    cuts just above the glove box. I know they make some vinal repair kits but
    its my understanding those are for older model vehicles with cracked dash
    boards. Is this a repairable item, or is this something that i may have to
    replace? Is this something a body shop or upolstery shop can repair, or is
    this new type of material they use even repairable?

    Thanks in advance,
    Mike Ledbetter
    mdrumr, Aug 16, 2006
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