Damn cell phones

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Otto, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. Otto

    451 CTDS Guest

    One night, at computer class, a student's cell phone kept ringing.
    Finially the instructor [ a woman ] yelled " Stick the phone " the student
    muttered " Huh ? " and the instructor said " Stick the phone, stick the
    phone on vibrate, stick the phone between my legs, I need some action ! "
    her husband, also a student in her class, stomped out of the room. I hate
    cell phones, I won't own one, they turn normal people into assholes. I love
    telling cell phone owners who don't return calls " You wear a *** phone, why
    don't you use it ?
    451 CTDS, Aug 17, 2004
  2. Otto

    SoCalMike Guest

    huh? you bitch when they leave the phone on...

    you bitch when they leave it shut off?

    ive got one. stays off unless i want to make a call. wanna reach me?
    call my home phone. dont have my home number? then i guess i really dont
    want to talk to you.

    i only give my cell number to people i dont give a shit about, like
    telemarketers, surveys, rebate forms, stores that have my name in their
    database, and for sale ads i put online.
    SoCalMike, Aug 17, 2004
  3. You waste your airtime on useless calls? The only people that get my cell
    number are people I want to reach me.

    Happy modeming,
    berkshire bill, Aug 17, 2004
  4. Otto

    Sijuki Guest

    I'm sorry, perhaps you didn't read what I was responding to. Obviously you
    can't pay attention. Thank you.
    Sijuki, Aug 17, 2004
  5. Otto

    Sijuki Guest

    I don't use a home phone, I spend most of my time away from home. So I feel
    a cell phone is somewhat useful. However it does not require me to take
    your call when you call me. I am still allowed to use discretion. If I
    don't feel like calling someone back right away, I don't. Having a cell
    phone doesn't make me instantly accessible to anyone who wants to get a hold
    of me, it makes me instantly accessible to whoever I want to get a hold of.
    I control when I use it, and how I use it.

    Seriously, when you drive, you pay attention to the road. If you take on
    the responsibility of doing something else while you are driving that
    becomes your problem. If you can't multitask and you cause a problem, then
    frankly you must pay for it. Much like no one made a law that you couldn't
    cook, watch the kids, and talk on the phone at home because you might knock
    the pot of boiling water onto your kid when you got the cord wrapped around
    it. Much like it isn't against the law to change the radio station, or
    change cd's, or anything else. It becomes something that we need to teach
    people responsibility. Not a law. Laws don't make things better, or safer,
    or any of that crap. Responsibility for ones own actions is the key.

    I see people everyday that are talking on their cell phones, braking on the
    freeway for no reason, or cutting someone off, or some other stupid action.
    I still don't think a blanket law will help that. Laws just complicate life
    even more. We have too many laws. Everyones quick solution to everything
    is make a law. Laws don't make the world safe. If you want to make a
    change, start by teaching your kids.
    Sijuki, Aug 17, 2004
  6. Otto

    SoCalMike Guest

    for some reason telemarketers dont call cell phones, or at least mine.
    ive got virgin mobile, and it costs nothing to check my voicemail from
    my home phone.
    SoCalMike, Aug 18, 2004
  7. Otto

    Full_Name Guest

    I can read the headlines now....

    "Joy Riders Steal Diesel VW And Out Run Befuddled Police"

    I think that the police have too many projectiles as it is. I'd hate
    to see the carnage that our local cops would wreak upon our roads
    trying to deploy such a device, while holding a donut and drinking a
    coffee on their morning radar tax collection duty.
    Full_Name, Aug 18, 2004
  8. Otto

    Full_Name Guest

    I'd love to be a fly on the wall of the responsible organization if
    such a device got implemented and "El~Kayieeda" got their hands on it
    while Dick Cheney was driving along in a motorcade........

    "Today, The Newly Elected President Was Killed When His Pacemaker Was
    Shut Off Accidentally By Law Enforcement Officials..."

    Either that or a trial lawyer...

    I say let an NGO handle the cell phone issue. Too many laws on the
    books as it is.
    Full_Name, Aug 18, 2004
  9. Otto

    Full_Name Guest

    Firearms sound like the answer then,

    widely available, widely used and only $0.45 per "use"

    Full_Name, Aug 18, 2004
  10. Otto

    Mark Guest

    Lemme guess - you're in favor of banning conversations between driver and
    passenger(s) too, right? If not, you better be since there is no difference.

    These geniuses in legislation have everyone so brainwashed that "cell phones"
    are bad and cause all these accidents.

    What will their excuse be when they get all their laws passed and realize that
    it affected nothing?

    Ahh, it's not worth it. Too many people just don't get it and refuse to take
    their blinders off.
    Mark, Aug 18, 2004
  11. Otto

    Sparky Guest

    Now this is the sort of clear thinking we need more of in DC! ;)
    Sparky, Aug 18, 2004
  12. Otto

    Bill Turner Guest


    You have to dial your passengers? Cool! And you can make 'em shut up
    with the "end" button? Cooler!
    Bill Turner, Aug 18, 2004
  13. Otto

    Full_Name Guest

    I think that you need control of the privacy glass for full effect
    Full_Name, Aug 19, 2004
  14. And you have to mentally visualize them as well?

    The study i've heard about suggests that that is the major problem with cell
    phone usage while driving.
    Steve Bigelow, Aug 19, 2004
  15. Otto

    TM Guest

    Don't tease me like that.

    TM, Aug 21, 2004
  16. Otto

    TM Guest

    he never said he answered the phone, but with it being off, I thought that
    would be a given.

    TM, Aug 21, 2004
  17. Otto

    Sean Dinh Guest

    You shouldn't be bragging about saving a drunk driver...due to your stupidity,
    someone will die for that.
    Sean Dinh, Nov 23, 2004
  18. Otto

    WhyDoYouAsk Guest

    judge and jury
    WhyDoYouAsk, Nov 24, 2004
  19. Otto

    Sean Dinh Guest

    Are those convictions as bad as being a victim?
    Sean Dinh, Nov 24, 2004
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