Dangling muffler; what to do?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Mitleid, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. Mitleid

    Mitleid Guest

    So I had my muffler on my 97 Honda Civic replaced almost two years ago
    by a Midas or someplace, and it looks like I'm paying the price. Tonight
    on my way home from work the thing totally fell off the bottom of my car
    and I had to drive with it dragging for a little bit. It's now parked in
    my driveway, the muffler resting wonderfully against the asphalt.

    Obviously I need to get it repaired (or at least remounted, but it's
    been noisy lately so I'm electing having it replaced). This time, I'm
    thinking I should bite the bullet and pay the $200+ to have the Honda
    dealer do the work. Anyways, the car cannot be driven without the
    muffler getting dragged, and the nearest dealership is a few miles away.
    So, does anyone have any suggestions on how I should go about
    mounting/attaching the muffler back to my car at least to make the drive
    over there? I'm mechanically inclined, but haven't had to do any heavy
    duty work on cars, but I think I can hack it...

    Also, how are mufflers on a Civic usually mounted? Welded or bolted? Two
    years seems like a hell of a short time for a muffler to get so jacked
    it literally falls off the car; are there any driving habits that might
    have contributed to me speeding up the process or anything? Hehehe....


    Mitleid, Feb 3, 2005
  2. Mitleid

    dan martin Guest

    My muffler is hooked on, via rubber bushings, get under and have a look.
    dan martin, Feb 3, 2005
  3. Mitleid

    Mitleid Guest


    Any chance you could direct me to a resource online where I could take
    a gander at what a bushing looks like? Possibly even order some if I'm
    up to the task...

    And as far as repairing it myself goes, does the fact that the muffler
    fell off the car completely mean that it's pretty much done and any
    prolonged driving with it on will damage my exhaust system? Or, would
    it be safe to assume that if I get it back on, and hear no ugly noises
    while running or in operation, I could leave things that way at least
    until I have the spare cash to pay the dealer to repair it?

    Mitleid, Feb 3, 2005
  4. Mitleid

    jimmyd Guest

    hey buddy which one is it dangling or completly come off?
    jimmyd, Feb 3, 2005
  5. Mitleid

    N.E.Ohio Bob Guest

    What to do? Did Midas guarantee the muffler? Whatever they did, it
    now is probably a modification to the Honda part, and Honda parts
    probably won't fit now.
    As an aside, I bought a Honda replacement muffler for my '92 Accord
    when the original gave out. It was guaranteed for as long as I owned the
    car. I have gotten four free ones since then. bob
    N.E.Ohio Bob, Feb 3, 2005
  6. Mitleid

    tony kujawa Guest

    NEVER go to a dealer for that kind of work, they will really bend you over.
    Take it back to Midas and it will probably be a $25 fix if it is just
    dangling. Just use a wire coat hanger and bend it around the pipe and look
    for a place to hook it. That will get you to the muffler shop.
    tony kujawa, Feb 3, 2005
  7. Mitleid

    TeGGer® Guest

    Midas mufflers are only suppsed to last a couple of years. Midas is good if
    all you need to do is get the car through a winter cheaply, but no good if
    you want to fix it and forget it.

    If it's dangling, you MAY be able to hang it back up again with coat-hanger
    wire, depending on where the break is. Get down and have a look underneath.
    It should be pretty plain how to fix it.

    Bringing it to the dealer to have a proper OEM system installed is an
    excellent idea. The OEM system will cost you more initially, but will go
    five to seven years with no trouble. And the new OEM muffler will be
    "guaranteed for life", just like Midas, so it costs you labor-only to
    replace when it finally goes.
    TeGGer®, Feb 3, 2005
  8. Mitleid

    Albert Guest

    Why not? dealer offers lifetime warranty on muffler work (parts and labor).
    Albert, Feb 3, 2005
  9. Mitleid

    tony kujawa Guest


    I believe Midas does also, and it's probably 1/2 the price.
    tony kujawa, Feb 3, 2005
  10. Mitleid

    I'm Right Guest

    return to midas or whereever you wimpy ass ninny

    tie it up with a coat hanger till ya get there

    damn you people as so stupid
    can any of you pour piss out of a boot?
    I'm Right, Feb 3, 2005
  11. Mitleid

    Jasonp Guest

    lifetime warranty and 10 times the cost, no thanks
    Jasonp, Feb 4, 2005
  12. Mitleid

    Jim Yanik Guest

    I suspect that Midas cuts the pipes and uses U-clamps to fit generic
    mufflers,instead of having an exact fit replacement part that bolts in.

    I wonder if going to AutoZone or PepBoys would get you something that fits
    same as an OEM part,but costs less?
    Jim Yanik, Feb 4, 2005
  13. Not in my experience--I've had original factory mufflers replaced by
    Midas on 3 different make cars in last 5-6 years. Each replacement was
    identical to the original in size, shape and mounting method. I know
    this because I stood there in the shop area watching each one (I've
    become slightly paranoid lately)

    Kenneth J. Harris, Feb 4, 2005
  14. Mitleid

    Jim Yanik Guest

    That is very interesting to know. Thanks!
    (I'm surprised they allowed you to be in the shop area;insurance reasons)
    Jim Yanik, Feb 4, 2005
  15. Mitleid

    Brian Smith Guest

    I've been watching mechanics work on my vehicles for years. I'm right under
    the car with them while the vehicle is up on the lift (it's an excellent
    time to inspect the floor pan, and all of the running gear while I'm there).

    Brian Smith, Feb 4, 2005
  16. Mitleid

    Jim Yanik Guest

    If they allow you.Many places insurance will not permit it.
    Jim Yanik, Feb 5, 2005
  17. Mitleid

    TeGGer® Guest

    And 1/2 the lifetime.

    OEM is best.
    TeGGer®, Feb 5, 2005
  18. Mitleid

    TeGGer® Guest

    You haven't actually checked, have you? Didn't think so.
    TeGGer®, Feb 5, 2005
  19. Midas offers free replacement as long as you own the car (recalling the
    commercials with Jack Benny). My daughter's 93 Accord needed a new battery
    soon after I bought it - left it sitting too long without running or
    charging - and Midas said there was no warranty on the months-old battery
    because I wasn't the owner when they sold it. Huh. I threw out a big stack
    of receipts I got with the car, I'll tell you.

    Michael Pardee, Feb 5, 2005
  20. Mitleid

    Jasonp Guest

    It would be a hell of a lot more.. A honda "certified tech" to replace a
    Jasonp, Feb 8, 2005
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