Dark Side of Hybrid Vehicles

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jason, Jul 31, 2005.

  1. Jason

    Jason Guest

    The current edition of "Car and Driver" (magazine) has an
    interesting article about the dark side of the hybrids on page 26.
    The date on the cover is September 2005.

    If you own a hybrid vehicle or plan to buy a hybrid vehicle,
    I advise you to buy a copy of the magazine and read the article.
    Jason, Jul 31, 2005
  2. Jason

    Elle Guest

    Can you provide a summary of the articles' main points?
    Elle, Jul 31, 2005
  3. Jason

    J. Guest

    See his FIRST post in alt.autos.honda (Jul 29 or 30, I think) and then all
    the responses about the well executed recycling that IS being done on
    electric/hybrid batteries!
    J., Jul 31, 2005
  4. Jason

    Abeness Guest

    Could also read it at the library or maybe even online.
    Abeness, Aug 1, 2005
  5. Jason

    hunkman7 Guest

    I would stay away from hybrids. Saw one die in the middle of traffic -
    no power and creating massive backups. The industry will eventually go
    to hydrogen systems, but never electric.
    hunkman7, Aug 1, 2005
  6. http://www.caranddriver.com/article.asp?section_id=27&article_id=9489&page_number=1

    Hardly any bias evident there! lol....

    He drives an F-350 dually and a H2.
    Steve Bigelow, Aug 1, 2005
  7. That happens to internal combustions engines as well, just in case you
    haven't noticed.
    Steve Bigelow, Aug 1, 2005
  8. Jason

    Dave Guest

    Can't stand Yates. Arrogant, pompous twit. YMMV.

    And as an aside, it was Tom Friedman, not Fareed Zakaria.
    Dave, Aug 1, 2005
  9. Yep. Good writer though. Loved Cannonball.
    Steve Bigelow, Aug 1, 2005
  10. Jason

    Seth Guest

    Yeah, cause that never happens to regular cars...
    Seth, Aug 1, 2005
  11. Jason

    jim beam Guest

    hydrogen? no. logistics prohibitive. wildly unsafe.
    jim beam, Aug 1, 2005
  12. Jason

    Jason Guest

    Great point. I did not mean to start a thread about batteries but I did.
    My goal was to make the subscribers aware of the article. That's why I
    reposted and left out the comment about batteries. I like Hybrid
    vehicles--especially the new Accord Hybrid but the cost of it is too much
    for me to pay. I was not aware of the dark side of hybrid vehicles until I
    read the article.
    Jason, Aug 1, 2005
  13. Actually, that's what scares me about the Toyota parallel system. It's
    SO dependent on the software, there's no way to limp home.

    A simple series system like Honda's IMA is really the essence of Honda
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Aug 1, 2005
  14. Jason

    Abeness Guest

    It's being tried. Check out the Honda FCX.

    Not sure Q should use these for 007, though... ;-))
    Abeness, Aug 1, 2005
  15. Jason

    jim beam Guest

    but abe, have you ever seen a scuba tank explode? those things have way
    less pressure than that necessary to store even a trivial quantity of

    gasoline fuel cell, absolutely. hydrogen fuel cell? no chance. read
    some of the archives for sci.materials. oh, and capacitors don't have
    anywhere near the storage capacity of batteries.

    it really amazes me the political lengths car companies have to go to to
    placate the many manifestations of technological ignorance. or the
    shameless idiots that exploit that ignorance by begging research funds
    for what they know to be fundamentally flawed.
    jim beam, Aug 1, 2005
  16. Jason

    Bebop Guest

    Didn't some people once said that about the gasoline engine too?

    There actually more hydrogen fuel stations (9) than consumer hydrogen
    car (1).
    Bebop, Aug 1, 2005
  17. Jason

    Bebop Guest

    The hybrid is not true electric, thus the word "hybrid".
    Bebop, Aug 1, 2005
  18. Jason

    FanJet Guest

    Actually, they're true gasoline since that's their *only* power source.
    "Hybrid" is a spin that gets people to purchase something they otherwise
    FanJet, Aug 1, 2005
  19. Jason

    jim beam Guest

    i'm not referring to the engine [although that has fundamental problems
    too] - i'm referring to hydrogen storage & transportation.
    jim beam, Aug 1, 2005
  20. Jason

    Abeness Guest

    All I said was it's being tried, jim. The RAND Corporation thought in
    1954 that home computers of 2004 would fit within a single room. I don't
    have the source of the picture/caption I have (probably from something
    like Popular Science), but the sucker is complete with a large steering
    wheel (yes, a steering wheel), lots of analog gauges covering a whole
    wall (yes, gauges!), and a maybe 18" teletype tractor feed printer. It's
    also got a large TV mounted high on a wall. With the Fortran language,
    it was expected to be easy to use. Hah hah.

    Point is that we don't get anywhere unless we try stuff, however
    far-fetched and unworkable it may seem to some. Fact is that Honda is
    trying the fuel cell in consumer vehicles. Whether it will ultimately be
    safe enough for mass use, I dunno, but they're trying it with hydrogen
    and I'll be interested to see where it goes. I don't think that the
    project would have gotten as far as it has if the safety issues were
    Abeness, Aug 1, 2005
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