Dead power locks - 91 accord ex

Discussion in 'Accord' started by tmGallagher, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. tmGallagher

    tmGallagher Guest

    I have a 1991 Accord EX with 160,000 miles on it.

    About a week and a half ago the power locks all of a sudden stopped
    working. They don't work from any of the 4 doors.

    However, from the inside edge of the driver's side door (near where it's
    hinged) I can still hear a slight clicking when I use the power lock

    Has anyone had a similar problem? I haven't had the time to check out the
    fuses yet, could it be that simple?

    Any and all help is appreciated.
    tmGallagher, Aug 3, 2004
  2. I haven't had the time to check out the
    Haha, u wish.

    Do not write below this line. Reserved for me.
    He Hate Retard and Moron, Aug 3, 2004
  3. tmGallagher

    Randolph Guest

    Give us some more details. Do the power locks work when using the key
    from the outside, but not using the switches on the inside? Vice versa?
    Do the power locks not work at all, regardless of how you try to operate
    Randolph, Aug 3, 2004
  4.>, posted
    the following, uh, drivel...
    you need a new lock actuator, located inside the door

    .·°~ §LëAzZÿ WëA§ëL ~°·.

    {ô¿ô} WrOnG NuMbEr RoCoCcO, yOu .·°~ §LëAzZÿ WëA§ëL ~°·.
    .·°~ §LëAzZÿ WëA§ëL ~°·., Aug 3, 2004
  5. tmGallagher

    johnedelen Guest

    I had the same problem.. If you take off your door panel, there is a
    control box in the door. If you open that up, there is a circuit board
    that the clicking noise comes from. If you look carefully, most likely
    one of the solders on the bottom, under one of the white boxes is broken.
    Simply re-solder that spot and it will work like a charm. Put a
    screw-driver on that spot before to check it. It is not obvious that
    there would be a problem, but there is.
    johnedelen, Aug 30, 2004
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