Dealer Holdback for a Honda

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Lee, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. Lee

    Lee Guest

    Hi everyone,

    I'm trying to buy myself a new Honda Civic. I was looking on the web to
    find the dealer holdback for Honda, and a number of sources say that
    it's 2% of the base MSRP, whereas the rest say it's 3% of the base MSRP.

    Does anyone know what is correct?


    Lee, Jan 21, 2004
  2. Lee

    JDS Guest

    3% of MSRP
    JDS, Jan 21, 2004
  3. Lee

    jfigueredo Guest

    The holdback is 3% and sometimes Honda will offer what they call in the
    industry "trunk money", which is an additional incentive to the dealer.

    I hope this helps,

    jfigueredo, Jan 22, 2004
  4. Lee

    mac55 Guest

    If you subscribe to consumer's car buying service (40 bucks for 3
    months), they can give you the holdback on just about any car/any
    model. With their reports you get the dealer costs and the holdbacks.
    I used it to buy my civic. I got the dealer to sell me the car for
    his cost plus the hold back but nothing on top of it. I couldn't get
    them to go below the hold back. Sometimes you can get them further
    because of hidden incentives.

    Best of luck!!!

    mac55, Jan 22, 2004
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