Deceptive trade practice at Honda dealership?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bob Travis, Jul 5, 2004.

  1. Bob Travis

    Bubba Guest

    The State Attorneys-General Offices of literally every state in the union
    are jammed with complaints about automobile dealers. The bottom line is
    these guys all operate right at (but not over) the razor's edge of
    deceptive trade practices.

    You stand a greater chance of caching a greased pig.

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    Bubba, Jul 8, 2004
  2. Bob Travis

    Tony Hwang Guest

    Hi, Caroline
    How about punishing your president Dubya?
    Isn't he a liar big time?
    If you're talking about lying?
    If I were Bob I'd just chalk it off as belated lesson at his age and
    only I wish his speedy full recovery. I buy car with cash. Best way to
    get the best deal on the spot. If they want, I can
    pay for the car in cash, charge on my plastic, or write a check.
    I won't have any problem like Bob had, LOL!
    Tony Hwang, Jul 8, 2004
  3. Bob Travis

    Grommet Guest

    Quite off-topic, of course.

    But it is very interesting to see how Bush and his henchmen are
    constantly lying and bending the truth, more than any administration I
    can recall, but Americans steadfastly look the other way. It seems
    they hate Arabs and just feel good about hurting them, and it doesn't
    matter what the justification is.

    Good moral example for car dealers! (And for religious people...)

    "Thou shalt not kill -- unless they are suspected terrorists."
    Grommet, Jul 8, 2004

  4. Bingo!!!
    Grumpy au Contraire, Jul 8, 2004
  5. Bob Travis

    JXStern Guest

    It's a fairly generous offer for them to give back the premiums, what
    would they amount to, about one payment?

    The thing is, for the relatively tiny amounts of money involved, it
    hardly matters who is right and who is wrong, an attorney and a court
    would cost many, many times more.

    You could try taking it to small claims, and even that little pressure
    might get you another payment or two thrown in by the dealer, but if
    you're expecting to need more than that, and you actually put it
    before a judge, heck, I dunno, you have probably a 50/50 chance of a
    judgement, and even with a judgement, only a 50/50 chance the judge
    would order anything more than the refund you can already get.

    So, risk the offer, for about a 1 in 4 chance at more?

    Your options.

    Next time, read the fine print, or bring along someone else who will
    do it for you. There is just no telling what a given dealer will try
    to foist off on you.

    You don't happen to have any other disability insurance for yourself,
    do you?

    JXStern, Jul 8, 2004
  6. Bob Travis

    TE Cheah Guest

    | We figured the Honda employee wouldn't lie

    | we signed the contract without reading it.
    TE Cheah, Jul 10, 2004
  7. Bob Travis

    Bob Travis Guest

    A playground? Aren't most intangible resources for the mind a playground of

    A "fiction"? I have been posting to Usenet since 1989. It is a great
    sounding board. You can ask questions that just wouldn't be appropriate for
    mom, dad, your wife, a neighbor, or a co-worker. You know you're not really
    anonymous, but you are to the people you would be least likely to ask what
    they might consider inappropriate even between friends.

    A lot of really bright people here, even more nitwits. I had you pegged as
    one of the bright ones. Now I'm not so sure. You may be a nitwit like me.


    P.S. I have not contacted a lawyer yet because I'm still trying to decide if
    I have half a leg to stand on. Many posts have given me hope. I will have to
    act within the next week.
    Bob Travis, Jul 12, 2004
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