Deciphering the igniter...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TeGGeR®, May 3, 2005.

  1. TeGGeR®

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Having successfully decoded the PGM-FI Main Relay's DNA, I'm now on the
    warpath for the Igniter, in preparation for another update to the FAQ.

    Some basics:
    1) The igniter simply replaces the old make/break points in a Kettering
    2) The role of the vacuum/centrifugal advance, and the distributor cam is
    now performed by the ECU. The ECU performs this function by adding or
    cutting ground as necessary, just like it does with the Main Relay.
    3) The igniter has an activation power feed from the ignition switch. The
    coil's power goes through the igniter as well, but can't go anywhere until
    the igniter is powered by the ignition switch and grounded by the ECU.
    4) When the ECU grounds the white wire, the flip-flop in the igniter
    closes, allowing the coil's current to travel through the same white wire
    to ground in the ECU, thus charging the coil.

    Now: When the igniter gets broken, what exactly goes wrong with it? Does
    the transistor fuse in the open position? Does some other component go bad
    and prevent current from flowing? Is it cracked solder again? Anybody know?
    TeGGeR®, May 3, 2005
  2. Extrapolating from my experience with power transistors...

    Junction type semiconductor devices invariably short when they fail. The
    junction develops a hot spot - a tiny area that is hotter than the
    surrounding junction and therefore has more current flow. That produces a
    nearly instantaneous runaway condition, melting the junction in that area.
    If the junction is back-biased, like the collector junction of a transistor
    is, the voltage ensures the PN junction is homogenized.

    (Still assuming the power switcher is a bipolar transistor) The collector in
    power transistors is usually soldered to a heat sink. The base and emitter
    leads are fine wires. When the collector shorts, the fault current flows
    through emitter lead and often burns it out, leaving the device open
    circuited. Some power transistors have heavy emitter leads and will just
    stay shorted, even with fairly high currents, but it would not be good to
    have the ignitor fail in a shorted condition.

    If the switcher is actually a power CMOS device, I don't know enough about
    them to say.

    Michael Pardee, May 3, 2005
  3. Extrapolating from my experience with power transistors...

    Junction type semiconductor devices invariably short when they fail. The
    junction develops a hot spot - a tiny area that is hotter than the
    surrounding junction and therefore has more current flow. That produces a
    nearly instantaneous runaway condition, melting the junction in that area.
    If the junction is back-biased, like the collector junction of a transistor
    is, the voltage ensures the PN junction is homogenized.

    (Still assuming the power switcher is a bipolar transistor) The collector in
    power transistors is usually soldered to a heat sink. The base and emitter
    leads are fine wires. When the collector shorts, the fault current flows
    through emitter lead and often burns it out, leaving the device open
    circuited. Some power transistors have heavy emitter leads and will just
    stay shorted, even with fairly high currents, but it would not be good to
    have the ignitor fail in a shorted condition.

    If the switcher is actually a power CMOS device, I don't know enough about
    them to say.

    Michael Pardee, May 3, 2005
  4. TeGGeR®

    Randolph Guest

    1. One could view the old contact points as a combined crank angle
    sensor and coil actuator. Some early electronic ignition systems
    actually still had contact points (and vacuum and centrifugal advance),
    but the points were only used as an input to the electronics. The actual
    switching of the coil was done by the electronics. The electronic box
    would simply ground the coil whenever the contact points were closed,
    and open-circuit the coil whenever the contact points were open. The
    only benefit of this vs. the non-electronic system was that the points
    saw very little current and virtually no inductive loading, thus there
    was no arching and the points would not wear.

    The ignitor (ICM) does exactly what the electronic box did in the
    example above, it simply grounds and open-circuits the coil at the
    falling and rising edge of the signal from the ECU. Theoretically the
    ignitor could be mounted inside the ECU, but then you would have a very
    nasty signal (high voltage spikes etc.) running all over the place
    rather than being nicely tucked inside the distributor.

    2. Yes. There are 3 sensors in the distributor, the CYP, or Cylinder
    Position Sensor, gives one pulse for every complete rotation of the
    distributor rotor (presumably around TDC prior to the power stroke on
    cylinder #1, but that is a guess on my part), the TDC, or Top Dead
    Center, sensor gives 4 pulses for each complete rotation of the
    distributor rotor, one pulse each time a piston is at TDC at the
    beginning of its power strike. Finally there is the CKP, or crank
    position sensor. This sensor gives a large number of pulses for each
    rotation of the distributor rotor.

    The CKP gives the crank angle with very fine resolution, but it is a
    relative measurement only. I.e. by looking at the CKP output you can
    tell that the engine now has rotated e.g. 76.3° since you started
    counting, but you can not tell what specific position it is at. Then
    what you (well, the E-C-you, that is) do is you reset your counter every
    time you see the TDC signal. Now you know the exact number of degrees
    you are past the latest power-stroke TDC, and since you know the rotor
    goes 90° between each power-stroke TDC, you can easily do the
    subtraction and find out how many degrees /before/ TDC you are. The ECU
    calculates the desired ignition timing based on throttle position, RPM,
    manifold pressure etc., and then simply turn on or off the signal going
    to the ICM at the exact right point in the rotation as read by the CKP
    and the TDC signals.

    The ECU really does not care about /what/ cylinder gets the spark, the
    finger in the distributor does that in the conventional way. The ECU
    /does/ need to know what injector to fire, however, and that is what the
    CYP sensor is for.

    The above is relevant for my '94 Civic. Newer systems have gotten rid of
    the distributor finger as well, and then you need the CYP sensor to get
    the right ignition sequence.

    I don't know about Honda, but some other newer cars have only one
    sensor, essentially the CKP. The absolute position information is
    indicated by missing pulses on the CKP signal. Imagine an ABS wheel
    sensor where you file away a couple of teeth in the right locations.
    E.g. you remove 4 teeth, each 90° from the next removed tooth. Then you
    remove a 5th tooth at some other location. now you can deduce the CKP,
    CYP and TDC information all from one sensor.

    Incidentally, the CKP signal can also be used to detect misfires.
    During the power stroke, the crank will accelerate a bit, then retard a
    bit around TDC. This can be measured as a slight variation in the
    frequency of the CKP signal. If you see that there is no acceleration at
    the time when you know there is a power stroke, you conclude there was a
    misfire. This type of detection is required in OBDII equipped cars.

    3. It is my understanding that the output transistor fails in the
    ignitors. I can not find any reliable reference on this, however. I
    don't think the main relays fail because of poor soldering from the
    factory. I believe the solder fatigues over the years, since solder is
    the only /mechanical/ fastening for a fairly heavy relay. Solder, if
    subjected to stresses and strains (like shaking a relay for mile after
    mile), will fatigue. If you have a stranded copper wire, tin the leads
    and clamp it down really good in a screw terminal, you can come back a
    few years later and see that the solder has been reduced to dust and
    that the wire now is loose. I do not believe the ignitor has any heavy
    components in it.
    Randolph, May 3, 2005
  5. TeGGeR®

    Randolph Guest

    1. One could view the old contact points as a combined crank angle
    sensor and coil actuator. Some early electronic ignition systems
    actually still had contact points (and vacuum and centrifugal advance),
    but the points were only used as an input to the electronics. The actual
    switching of the coil was done by the electronics. The electronic box
    would simply ground the coil whenever the contact points were closed,
    and open-circuit the coil whenever the contact points were open. The
    only benefit of this vs. the non-electronic system was that the points
    saw very little current and virtually no inductive loading, thus there
    was no arching and the points would not wear.

    The ignitor (ICM) does exactly what the electronic box did in the
    example above, it simply grounds and open-circuits the coil at the
    falling and rising edge of the signal from the ECU. Theoretically the
    ignitor could be mounted inside the ECU, but then you would have a very
    nasty signal (high voltage spikes etc.) running all over the place
    rather than being nicely tucked inside the distributor.

    2. Yes. There are 3 sensors in the distributor, the CYP, or Cylinder
    Position Sensor, gives one pulse for every complete rotation of the
    distributor rotor (presumably around TDC prior to the power stroke on
    cylinder #1, but that is a guess on my part), the TDC, or Top Dead
    Center, sensor gives 4 pulses for each complete rotation of the
    distributor rotor, one pulse each time a piston is at TDC at the
    beginning of its power strike. Finally there is the CKP, or crank
    position sensor. This sensor gives a large number of pulses for each
    rotation of the distributor rotor.

    The CKP gives the crank angle with very fine resolution, but it is a
    relative measurement only. I.e. by looking at the CKP output you can
    tell that the engine now has rotated e.g. 76.3° since you started
    counting, but you can not tell what specific position it is at. Then
    what you (well, the E-C-you, that is) do is you reset your counter every
    time you see the TDC signal. Now you know the exact number of degrees
    you are past the latest power-stroke TDC, and since you know the rotor
    goes 90° between each power-stroke TDC, you can easily do the
    subtraction and find out how many degrees /before/ TDC you are. The ECU
    calculates the desired ignition timing based on throttle position, RPM,
    manifold pressure etc., and then simply turn on or off the signal going
    to the ICM at the exact right point in the rotation as read by the CKP
    and the TDC signals.

    The ECU really does not care about /what/ cylinder gets the spark, the
    finger in the distributor does that in the conventional way. The ECU
    /does/ need to know what injector to fire, however, and that is what the
    CYP sensor is for.

    The above is relevant for my '94 Civic. Newer systems have gotten rid of
    the distributor finger as well, and then you need the CYP sensor to get
    the right ignition sequence.

    I don't know about Honda, but some other newer cars have only one
    sensor, essentially the CKP. The absolute position information is
    indicated by missing pulses on the CKP signal. Imagine an ABS wheel
    sensor where you file away a couple of teeth in the right locations.
    E.g. you remove 4 teeth, each 90° from the next removed tooth. Then you
    remove a 5th tooth at some other location. now you can deduce the CKP,
    CYP and TDC information all from one sensor.

    Incidentally, the CKP signal can also be used to detect misfires.
    During the power stroke, the crank will accelerate a bit, then retard a
    bit around TDC. This can be measured as a slight variation in the
    frequency of the CKP signal. If you see that there is no acceleration at
    the time when you know there is a power stroke, you conclude there was a
    misfire. This type of detection is required in OBDII equipped cars.

    3. It is my understanding that the output transistor fails in the
    ignitors. I can not find any reliable reference on this, however. I
    don't think the main relays fail because of poor soldering from the
    factory. I believe the solder fatigues over the years, since solder is
    the only /mechanical/ fastening for a fairly heavy relay. Solder, if
    subjected to stresses and strains (like shaking a relay for mile after
    mile), will fatigue. If you have a stranded copper wire, tin the leads
    and clamp it down really good in a screw terminal, you can come back a
    few years later and see that the solder has been reduced to dust and
    that the wire now is loose. I do not believe the ignitor has any heavy
    components in it.
    Randolph, May 3, 2005
  6. TeGGeR®

    tomb Guest

    Michael Pardee wrote:
    | Extrapolating from my experience with power transistors...

    Thanks for the insights.

    | If the switcher is actually a power CMOS device, I don't know enough
    | about them to say.

    Extrapolating from my experience with Power MOSFETs (not much), I would tend
    to agree. However, I have seen both happening, the MOSFET developing an
    open-circuit and "wire replacement" :) I wouldn't be surprised if short
    circuit between drain and source would eventually overheat something inside
    and cause an open circuit.

    Don't know whether current igniters are MOSFET or bipolar. MOSFET would make
    sense due to the ease of driving them, the ridiculously low losses (perhaps
    not that much of a problem? I tinkered around with a MOSFET that takes 180A
    (amps, not milliamps!) and has something like 15 mOhm (milliohm) "on"
    resistance). On the other hand, car manufacturers tend to be rather
    conservative with electronics, so they might hold on to bipolar for another

    From a page on Toyota igniters, (from it seems like bipolar is still in

    Now, if they use IGBTs, then someone else needs to give their input ;)
    tomb, May 3, 2005
  7. TeGGeR®

    tomb Guest

    Michael Pardee wrote:
    | Extrapolating from my experience with power transistors...

    Thanks for the insights.

    | If the switcher is actually a power CMOS device, I don't know enough
    | about them to say.

    Extrapolating from my experience with Power MOSFETs (not much), I would tend
    to agree. However, I have seen both happening, the MOSFET developing an
    open-circuit and "wire replacement" :) I wouldn't be surprised if short
    circuit between drain and source would eventually overheat something inside
    and cause an open circuit.

    Don't know whether current igniters are MOSFET or bipolar. MOSFET would make
    sense due to the ease of driving them, the ridiculously low losses (perhaps
    not that much of a problem? I tinkered around with a MOSFET that takes 180A
    (amps, not milliamps!) and has something like 15 mOhm (milliohm) "on"
    resistance). On the other hand, car manufacturers tend to be rather
    conservative with electronics, so they might hold on to bipolar for another

    From a page on Toyota igniters, (from it seems like bipolar is still in

    Now, if they use IGBTs, then someone else needs to give their input ;)
    tomb, May 3, 2005
  8. Lots of stuff can go wrong. It's a brutal environment.

    Ozone can carbonize dirty surfaces near the HV and create a conductive
    path into sensitive circuits. The coil's winding insulation can fail
    and overheat the coil. Excessive voltages caused by cracked wires, worn
    points, or a failed capacitor results avalanching in the power
    transistor, the semiconductor equivalent of an arc-over, and accelerated
    aging of the coil insulation. Avalanching slowly degrades the silicon
    crystal into a more passive form, like a resistor, that will overheat.

    Transistors usually fail as a short circuit or a low resistance. If the
    fried transistor heats enough to melt a lead wire, the flyback power
    released from the coil can lead to a small explosion at the break.

    Typical ignition systems are flyback types. Inductors act as constant
    current devices. Applying 12V causes current flow to gradually
    increase. Break the current rapidly and voltage shoots in the opposite
    direction in an attempt to maintain the current flow. That's a few
    hundred volts on the primary and tens of thousands on the secondary.
    Flyback transformers have a problem with imperfect magnetic coupling
    between the two coils. Some of the power spikes back into the primary
    even if the secondary discharges into a spark plug. It's the
    capacitor's job to dampen the primary's voltage so it doesn't arc over
    the switch/transistor or rise faster than the switch/transistor can turn
    off. If the secondary doesn't discharge into a spark plug, the flyback
    voltage will rise until something gives way. Hopefully its a protective
    avalanche diode or spark gap.
    Kevin McMurtrie, May 3, 2005
  9. Lots of stuff can go wrong. It's a brutal environment.

    Ozone can carbonize dirty surfaces near the HV and create a conductive
    path into sensitive circuits. The coil's winding insulation can fail
    and overheat the coil. Excessive voltages caused by cracked wires, worn
    points, or a failed capacitor results avalanching in the power
    transistor, the semiconductor equivalent of an arc-over, and accelerated
    aging of the coil insulation. Avalanching slowly degrades the silicon
    crystal into a more passive form, like a resistor, that will overheat.

    Transistors usually fail as a short circuit or a low resistance. If the
    fried transistor heats enough to melt a lead wire, the flyback power
    released from the coil can lead to a small explosion at the break.

    Typical ignition systems are flyback types. Inductors act as constant
    current devices. Applying 12V causes current flow to gradually
    increase. Break the current rapidly and voltage shoots in the opposite
    direction in an attempt to maintain the current flow. That's a few
    hundred volts on the primary and tens of thousands on the secondary.
    Flyback transformers have a problem with imperfect magnetic coupling
    between the two coils. Some of the power spikes back into the primary
    even if the secondary discharges into a spark plug. It's the
    capacitor's job to dampen the primary's voltage so it doesn't arc over
    the switch/transistor or rise faster than the switch/transistor can turn
    off. If the secondary doesn't discharge into a spark plug, the flyback
    voltage will rise until something gives way. Hopefully its a protective
    avalanche diode or spark gap.
    Kevin McMurtrie, May 3, 2005
  10. Honda shows MOSFETs in their ignition schematics of the Civic but
    doesn't show what is used in the Accord.

    MOSFETs are kind of tricky to use for flyback circuits. There's a
    strong capacitive coupling between the gate and the source. Several
    amps coming off the gate from that capacitive coupling isn't unusual.
    It can lead to nasty RF ringing or destruction of the driver. The
    solution is of course to use pair of power MOSFETs to drive the HV
    MOSFET. The driver is complex but it fits on a chip.

    Bipolar transistors have less capacitive coupling but they need lots of
    holding current. The driver is trivial but it needs power resistors
    that run too hot to be on a chip.

    MOSFETs can't handle much current when they're designed for high
    voltages. A small 30V MOSFET can handle 50A to 150A but a small 500V
    MOSFET handles 4 to 8 amps. Automotive ignition coils is pretty much
    their limit. Larger HV power supplies use bipolar transistors or IGBTs.

    An IGBT has impressive current and voltage abilities but one might be
    too slow for an ignition coil. The IMA, A/C, and other 144V 3-phase
    motors are driven by IGBTs the Hybrid Accord.
    Kevin McMurtrie, May 3, 2005
  11. Honda shows MOSFETs in their ignition schematics of the Civic but
    doesn't show what is used in the Accord.

    MOSFETs are kind of tricky to use for flyback circuits. There's a
    strong capacitive coupling between the gate and the source. Several
    amps coming off the gate from that capacitive coupling isn't unusual.
    It can lead to nasty RF ringing or destruction of the driver. The
    solution is of course to use pair of power MOSFETs to drive the HV
    MOSFET. The driver is complex but it fits on a chip.

    Bipolar transistors have less capacitive coupling but they need lots of
    holding current. The driver is trivial but it needs power resistors
    that run too hot to be on a chip.

    MOSFETs can't handle much current when they're designed for high
    voltages. A small 30V MOSFET can handle 50A to 150A but a small 500V
    MOSFET handles 4 to 8 amps. Automotive ignition coils is pretty much
    their limit. Larger HV power supplies use bipolar transistors or IGBTs.

    An IGBT has impressive current and voltage abilities but one might be
    too slow for an ignition coil. The IMA, A/C, and other 144V 3-phase
    motors are driven by IGBTs the Hybrid Accord.
    Kevin McMurtrie, May 3, 2005
  12. I agree. Mounting of heavy components by solder is a dubious practice, and
    the vibration makes fatigue an "if, not when" proposition.

    When I worked in avionics, we would often see a popular transponder with
    fuse failure. We replaced the fuse every time and only once saw a unit come
    back. The fuse was a slo-blo glass fuse, and we could see the solder
    attachment at the end had crumbled, leaving rough edges, instead of the
    melted ends of blown fuses. We never saw it in twin engine planes, only

    Michael Pardee, May 3, 2005
  13. I agree. Mounting of heavy components by solder is a dubious practice, and
    the vibration makes fatigue an "if, not when" proposition.

    When I worked in avionics, we would often see a popular transponder with
    fuse failure. We replaced the fuse every time and only once saw a unit come
    back. The fuse was a slo-blo glass fuse, and we could see the solder
    attachment at the end had crumbled, leaving rough edges, instead of the
    melted ends of blown fuses. We never saw it in twin engine planes, only

    Michael Pardee, May 3, 2005
  14. This brings up one mystery - how do electronic ignitions get away with no
    capacitor or equivalent energy shunt? Points needed a capacitor to give the
    contacts time to get a little air between them before the voltage peaked, so
    a capacitor isn't needed (strictly speaking) with an igniter. But if the HT
    wires open up, the energy has to go *somewhere*. I know in Integras it often
    goes into the coil with bad results, but many systems aren't damaged when
    the HT lead is open.

    Michael Pardee, May 3, 2005
  15. This brings up one mystery - how do electronic ignitions get away with no
    capacitor or equivalent energy shunt? Points needed a capacitor to give the
    contacts time to get a little air between them before the voltage peaked, so
    a capacitor isn't needed (strictly speaking) with an igniter. But if the HT
    wires open up, the energy has to go *somewhere*. I know in Integras it often
    goes into the coil with bad results, but many systems aren't damaged when
    the HT lead is open.

    Michael Pardee, May 3, 2005
  16. Power MOSFETs also get around the thermal runaway problem. My hunch is they
    are some sort of MOS devices.
    Ditto - I barely know they exist!

    Michael Pardee, May 3, 2005
  17. Power MOSFETs also get around the thermal runaway problem. My hunch is they
    are some sort of MOS devices.
    Ditto - I barely know they exist!

    Michael Pardee, May 3, 2005
  18. TeGGeR®

    Remco Guest

    When my ignitor failed, I didn't take it apart but perhaps should have
    so see what's inside.

    It could be that they wirebonded the dies and put thermally conductive
    gel around it all -- the same way they make hockey puck Solid State
    Relays, for instance.
    They make enough of these ignitors to justify the one time charges and
    would make them pretty cheap in quantity.
    Not sure if they actually did this, but mechanically and electrically
    it is a superior method of making a very reliable product.
    Remco, May 3, 2005
  19. TeGGeR®

    Remco Guest

    When my ignitor failed, I didn't take it apart but perhaps should have
    so see what's inside.

    It could be that they wirebonded the dies and put thermally conductive
    gel around it all -- the same way they make hockey puck Solid State
    Relays, for instance.
    They make enough of these ignitors to justify the one time charges and
    would make them pretty cheap in quantity.
    Not sure if they actually did this, but mechanically and electrically
    it is a superior method of making a very reliable product.
    Remco, May 3, 2005
  20. TeGGeR®

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Wow, what a response!

    With the knowledge amply herein exhibited, maybe this group ought to be
    called! I'm impressed. This is the sort
    of thing that makes a good FAQ possible. Thank you.

    I'm responding in this particular message only because my original post has
    been pushed off the stack by my news provider.

    With the wealth or information in everybody's responses, I've saved them
    all and will have to review them. I will post a draft once I figure I
    understand all this.

    For a picture of the insides of an igniter, see here:
    (you'll have to scroll up a bit)

    For more pics:

    More questions:
    1) Can anyone tell from the foregoing pics what kind of transistor is in
    the igniter pictured?
    2) What's this thing about the attachment of a heat sink by "wires"? I must
    be dense or something, because I thought heat sinks were firmly fastened by
    screws or solder blobs.
    3) Can somebody explain a "flyback circuit" in terms a layman can
    TeGGeR®, May 4, 2005
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