Wow, what a response! With the knowledge amply herein exhibited, maybe this group ought to be called! I'm impressed. This is the sort of thing that makes a good FAQ possible. Thank you. I'm responding in this particular message only because my original post has been pushed off the stack by my news provider. With the wealth or information in everybody's responses, I've saved them all and will have to review them. I will post a draft once I figure I understand all this. For a picture of the insides of an igniter, see here: (you'll have to scroll up a bit) For more pics: More questions: 1) Can anyone tell from the foregoing pics what kind of transistor is in the igniter pictured? 2) What's this thing about the attachment of a heat sink by "wires"? I must be dense or something, because I thought heat sinks were firmly fastened by screws or solder blobs. 3) Can somebody explain a "flyback circuit" in terms a layman can understand?