del sol

Discussion in 'Del Sol' started by NITRO, Apr 10, 2004.

  1. NITRO

    NITRO Guest

    hy im from croatia and i have a vti del sol,i have a race in one month and
    everythig on this car is stocked,what would be the best to make for some
    horse power?
    v-tec controler? how much can i get from it?
    turbo- compresor?
    does enibody have a used one -for cheap sale....
    please help
    NITRO, Apr 10, 2004
  2. Mo¾e¹ ugraditi turbo od npr. diahatsu charade-a i to staviti da radi na max
    0.3 bara, za sve ostalo bi trebao mjenjati radilicu, le¾ajeve, pikse,
    elektroniku i sl. Dobit èeæ cca 30-tak konja, onda stavi cold air intake i
    nos, ali moj savjet je ostavi auto kakav je i dugo èe¹ u¾ivati u njemu,,
    pazi na ulje jer svi v-tec motori tro¹e ulje i to ti je to.
    Ivan Tomaskovic, Apr 10, 2004
  3. NITRO

    NITRO Guest

    dal si probao nes takvog?
    NITRO, Apr 10, 2004
  4. Nisam jer me to ne zanima al sam razgovarao sa tipom koji je to izveo i
    stvar funkcionira i ko¹ta cca 1000eur.
    Ivan Tomaskovic, Apr 11, 2004
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