design flaw : F20A 's air intake gets useless heat from radiator*coolant (part 2)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TE Chea, Oct 9, 2006.

  1. TE Chea

    TE Chea Guest

    Intake manifold has asbestos gasket to insulate heat ( from cylinder
    head ), but the 9 nuts which lock manifold onto cylinder head have
    no asbestos washer, so heat enters manifold via these 9 nuts [ii]
    the exhaust gas channeled to EGR valve [iii] * channeled through
    manifold .[iv] manifold chamber via EAC & Fast Idle valves.
    Designer seemingly assumed ambient air is never >20ºC ( can be
    seen from exhaust manifold's front & rear covers
    - meant to keep exhaust gas hot, unnecessary & bad in warmer
    climate ), & users will use * to heat their seats' spaces, so * will
    not be >40ºC.
    To further cool air intake, I use polystyrene & rubber washers to
    insulate chamber from these 2 valves, glued 3 heatsinks onto
    chamber, fitted copper wires & hoses ( with water & surfactant )
    onto chamber & throttle body. Then air intake is cooler : warm-
    starts & hill climbing are easier, in even 27ºC ambient air, let
    alone in hotter weather.
    These 2 valves' insulations also make Fast Idle valve heat up &
    reduce idling rpm sooner, & save petrol during idling / coasting.
    I could not post here a photo of my F20A's chamber & valves, looks
    like this NG bans any photo.
    TE Chea, Oct 9, 2006
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