design flaw : F20A 's air intake gets useless heat from radiator*coolant (part 2)

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by TE Chea, Oct 3, 2006.

  1. TE Chea

    TE Chea Guest

    Intake manifold has asbestos gasket to insulate heat ( from cylinder
    head ), but the 9 nuts which lock manifold onto cylinder head have
    no asbestos washer, so heat enters manifold via these 9 nuts [ii]
    the exhaust gas channeled to EGR valve [iii] * channeled through
    manifold .[iv] manifold chamber via EAC & Fast Idle valves.
    Designer seemingly assumed ambient air is never >20ºC ( can be
    seen from exhaust manifold's front & rear covers
    - meant to keep exhaust gas hot, unnecessary & bad in warmer
    climate ), & users will use * to heat their seats' spaces, so * will
    not be >40ºC.
    To further cool air intake, I use polystyrene & rubber washers to
    insulate chamber from these 2 valves, glued 3 heatsinks onto
    chamber, fitted copper wires & hoses ( with water & surfactant )
    onto chamber & throttle body. Then air intake is cooler : warm-
    starts & hill climbing are easier, in even 27ºC ambient air, let
    alone in hotter weather.
    These 2 valves' insulations also make Fast Idle valve heat up &
    reduce idling rpm sooner, & save petrol during idling / coasting.
    I could not post here a photo of my F20A's chamber & valves,
    looks like neither NG now allows any photo.
    TE Chea, Oct 3, 2006
  2. I am Tee Hee Chia Pet and I now give you five more defects I find with
    my Honda.

    1. Exhaust system is made of metal instead of carbon fibre. Not only
    is it heavier and more prone to rust but we need more carbon fibre in
    our diet.

    2. Spring loaded lid on coin box is always pushing backward against
    car which slow it down and cause the battery to go dead. I turned
    mine around and now it pushes the car forward and it is a lot faster.
    Maserati coin box covers are all designed this way.

    3. My battery dies all the time because I leave the lights on and the
    car just chimes instead saying "Hey you fucking moron, you left the
    lights on again." This technology was standard in the 1980 LeBaron.

    4. I busted the headlights with a hammer and now the battery doesn't
    run down but the annoying chime still sounds. Honda should make cars
    with no headlights just like Mercedes started doing a hundred years

    5. The cabin has a poor layout. Too much Ying, not enough Yang. I
    paid a Feng Shui master to adjust the Chi and now the gas milage is
    much better. Also car is more at peace with the road.
    Tee Hee Chia Pet, Oct 4, 2006
  3. TE Chea

    TeGGeR® Guest

    You are wrong, Mr. Chia Pet. Exhaust should be made of bean sprouts.
    Bean sprouts contain much fiber. Make you very regular.

    Do not put coins in coin box, unless they are Kazakhstan shillings.
    Kazakhstan shillings very aerodynamic. Very swoopy. Go down very fast
    and worth nothing in minutes! Socialist economics at work...

    But did the voice say this in blue LED lights? If not, you are imagining

    You have not seen '69 Buick Skylark GS. Those funky lights, let me tell
    you. They flip UP out of sight. You can only see them if you open the
    hood, and then they blind you, and then you reduced to begging until
    Buddah call you home.

    I tried that, but unfortunately I summoned spirit of CHE, not CHI.
    Spirit of CHE came with AK-47 and killed all Yins and Yangs within
    200 yards radius. Too bad. I all alone now.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 4, 2006
  4. Now, that's just plain silly.

    Michael Pardee, Oct 4, 2006
  5. TE Chea

    Jim Yanik Guest

    WHY does ANYONE -respond- to shit posts like this?

    you're just encouraging them.

    Do you LIKE spammers?
    Jim Yanik, Oct 5, 2006
  6. TE Chea

    Seth Guest

    Because it is amusing and breaks up the "hum-drum".
    Spammer? What's he/she/it selling?
    Seth, Oct 5, 2006
  7. This has been a fun thread. TE Chea isn't a spammer (I think this is the
    only place I've seen him) and I don't even think he is a troll; he just has
    some odd ideas. That doesn't mean he will never have a good idea. And I must
    say he takes the ribbing without obvious backlash. We've certainly seen


    "...if you work hard and intelligently you should be able to detect when a
    man is talking rot, and that, in my view, is the main, if not the sole,
    purpose of education." - John Alexander Smith
    Michael Pardee, Oct 5, 2006

  8. How do you get styrene to hold up to the heat under the hood? Because
    even far away from the engine, I would think that styrene wouldn't
    survive. I've even had styrene start to melt even inside the passenger
    compartment when parked in the sun and with the windows rolled up here
    in Phoenix.
    larry moe 'n curly, Oct 5, 2006
  9. TE Chea

    TeGGeR® Guest

    I having fun. Yin and Yang very relaxing to my inscrutable soul.
    Until CHE show up, that is. CHE bad man. Not Feng Shui.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 5, 2006
  10. TE Chea

    TeGGeR® Guest

    He used to hang out in, posting just about the same stuff.
    He got laughed out of there, so I guess he's looking for a home.

    He used to call himself TE Cheah (with an "h" on the end).
    TeGGeR®, Oct 5, 2006
  11. Nonsense. Haven't you seen Motorcycle Diaries?
    Gordon McGrew, Oct 6, 2006
  12. Michael Pardee wrote:

    .. . . . I don't even think he is a troll; he just has


    We'll all get requests to be interviewed when he goes postal at a Honda
    dealership :-(

    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 23, 2006
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