Detergent Oil

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Shredder, Oct 10, 2006.

  1. Shredder

    Shredder Guest

    Just got an 03 Odyssey. The manual says to use a detergent oil. What
    exactly is a detergent oil. What brands of oil are a detergent oil? Does
    someone make a synthetic or synthetic blend of detergent oil? Maybe I
    should stick with Honda oil? Any thoughts on this would be great.

    Shredder, Oct 10, 2006
  2. An odd mention; nearly all motor oil is detergent. I've only heard of
    non-detergent oil being used for break-in, and I don't know anyplace that
    stocks it.

    The API rating and weight are the things you want to look for. I have heard
    bad buzz about Havoline from my motorhead brother and a couple other
    sources, but most major brands will do just fine. I also favor synthetic,
    but I don't want to start that whole discussion again.

    Michael Pardee, Oct 10, 2006
  3. Shredder

    John Horner Guest

    They must be using the same line of text from 30 years ago. All modern
    fully formulated motor oils are "detergent" type oils. You can still
    find SA rated non-detergent motor oils at dollar stores and some
    convenience stores. Never use that junk! It wasn't any good in 1940
    and it still is no good today :).

    Any name brand oil labeled the latest "SM" and/or "GF-4" will work fine
    for you as long as you stick with the severe service schedule of the
    owners manual.

    John Horner, Oct 10, 2006
  4. Shredder

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Lawnmowers still use straight 30wt non-detergent oils. I have a quart
    bottle of the stuff on my shelf.

    This is a good time to mention never to waste your money on those
    "premium" lawnmower oils. They're just 30-wt non-detergent, at twice the
    TeGGeR®, Oct 11, 2006
  5. Shredder

    zonie Guest

    Whats the reason for non-detergent oil in lawn mowers? My Honda mower calls
    for 10w30 oil.
    zonie, Oct 11, 2006
  6. Shredder

    scott Guest

    Actually no small engine (mower) manufacturer still recommends non
    detergent oil,and lawn mower engines have come a long way via prodding by
    the E.P.A. , believe it or not some engines on commercial mowers now come
    with Bosch designed E.F.I. with computerised engine control, o2 sensors and
    M.I.L. lights just like a car. Also, hydraulic lifters, some have catalytic
    converters, and other advanced features.
    However, I will admit in a $99 mower the non detergent oil won't hurt if
    changed often, but when a serious 25-30 hp engine replacement costs $1700
    and up don't take chances, use good oil.
    scott, Oct 11, 2006
  7. OK .... this answered my question. Should I consider using synthetic or a
    synthetic blend? or use Honda Oil?
    Brian Houghtby, Oct 11, 2006
  8. Shredder

    jim beam Guest

    non-detergent oil is recommended for mowers because it doesn't emulsify
    as bad when water gets into the crank case - as happens when they get
    left out in the rain, then stored in a garage all winter.
    jim beam, Oct 11, 2006
  9. Shredder

    scott Guest

    Jim, your information is very much out of date. The oldest service
    bulletin from Briggs and Stratton I could easily lay my hands on was from
    1990 and even back then, 16 years ago they recommended detergent oil.
    If you have a current owner's manual for your mower I would suggest you
    read it.If you (or any one else)are interested I will try to find a link to
    he service bulletins that apply.
    Please don't take offense, I just had to say something as it is my job
    to deal with misconceptions like this daily.
    scott, Oct 11, 2006
  10. Shredder

    jim beam Guest

    no offense taken! i hardly ever mow the lawn, and read the manual even
    less. i have however had to fix a crank case full of congealed
    jim beam, Oct 11, 2006
  11. Shredder

    TeGGeR® Guest

    My nearly brand-new Tecumseh-engined mower's manual says I can use either
    straight 30-wt or 5W-30 motor oil. My choice. In fact, it came with a 20oz
    bottle of that "premium" 30-wt lawnmower oil.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 12, 2006
  12. Shredder

    TeGGeR® Guest

    What's your manual say? Does it want 5W-30 or 5W-20?
    TeGGeR®, Oct 12, 2006
  13. Shredder

    Brian Guest

    Brian, Oct 12, 2006
  14. Shredder

    TeGGeR® Guest

    You will never find 5W-20 that has no detergent in it. Never.

    Your manual, like somebody already said, contains some standard bumpf Honda
    has been cutting-and-pasting into every manual since Hector was a pup.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 13, 2006
  15. Shredder

    John Horner Guest

    You are a little out of date on that Tegger, by decades. Most small
    engines now specify at least SH rated motor oils not that old SA junk.
    (The current US automotive minimum spec is SM).

    For example, you can look at page 70 of the PDF for a typical Honda
    consumer lawn mower owners manual and see that the recommended oil is
    SAE 10W-30, SH or SJ rated:

    I picked this manual because it is readily available online, stay on
    topic as a "Honda" and is typical of modern equipment. You will find
    the same kind of recommendations for Briggs & Stratton, Kawasaki, John
    Deere, etc.

    If you are putting that SA rated non-detergent junk in your small
    engines you are not doing them any favors!

    John Horner, Oct 15, 2006
  16. Shredder

    John Horner Guest

    Ah, but it didn't say to use non-detergent oil, did it? Tecumseh is
    saying you can use a fully formulated straight 30 or multi-grade 5W-30.
    I don't think there even is such a thing as a non-detergent
    multi-grade oil. That non-detergent SA crap is straight weight.

    In 2004 the auto makers association did a big test of the impacts of
    using SA oil in modern engines by doing detailed comparison tests. They
    are really trying to get that junk off the market so that fools who buy
    the cheapest thing on the shelf at their local convenience store don't
    grenade their engines. Have a look:


    John Horner, Oct 15, 2006
  17. Shredder

    TeGGeR® Guest

    On better reading of the Tecumseh manual, I find you're right.

    The manual specifically mentions detergent oil, and specifies that the
    label should say API SL/SJ.

    Yes it is. And it says "non-detergent" on the label.
    TeGGeR®, Oct 16, 2006
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