Did I Get Hosed On My Odyssey Repairs???

Discussion in 'Odyssey' started by 444, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. 444

    444 Guest

    I live in the suburbs of a major northeastern U.S. city and had some work
    done on my 2000-vintage Honda Odyssey just last week.

    They charged the following for labor:

    Replaced Front Engine Mount --- $135

    Replace R/F Strut --- $135

    Replace Both Wheel Cylinders --- $270

    Did I get hosed?

    444, Dec 20, 2006
  2. 444

    Paul Guest

    First, I ask why you needed engine mounts replaced, these generally
    last for the life of the vehicle, and yes 135 for labor for replacing
    engine mounts seems high. This procedure should take a skilled
    mechanic 1 hour at the most and 135/hr labor rate is very high. As for
    the strut, generally struts are replaced in pairs but 135 is not too
    bad since there is a lot of work involved there. And for the wheel
    cylinder, I'm not sure what you mean by that. If you post more info I
    will be able to judge better.
    Paul, Dec 20, 2006
  3. 444

    jim beam Guest

    not necessarily. did they use honda parts? list price for the motor
    mount is $105 so that's $20 labor. list on the strut is $126...
    jim beam, Dec 20, 2006
  4. 444

    jim beam Guest

    that's not true. rubber fatigues and breaks. check the rear trailing
    arm bushing on any 1988-2000 civic to see what i mean. then check the
    rear motor mount on the same vehicle [if you can see it] and you'll see
    identical damage.
    jim beam, Dec 20, 2006
  5. 444

    Paul Guest

    True, but the post said they charged him 135 just for labor.
    Paul, Dec 20, 2006
  6. 444

    Paul Guest

    Also true, but the car is a 2000, i have seen hondas from the early
    90's with no problems.
    Paul, Dec 20, 2006
  7. 444

    jim beam Guest

    it depends on /which/ bushing. go to a junk yard and show me even one
    single civic bushing as described that's not shot to bits. same goes
    for rear motor mounts. only thing about the latter is that they're not
    as easy to see.
    jim beam, Dec 20, 2006
  8. 444

    jim beam Guest

    ok, i misread.
    jim beam, Dec 20, 2006
  9. That doesn't matter. It's the book rate that matters. If the book rate
    is 1.5 hours, that's about right.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Dec 20, 2006
  10. 444

    Woody Guest

    First you should understand the vehicle you are talking about. Second you
    need to know the location the service is done as labor rates vary widely
    depending where it is done. Also we need to know if it was done by a dealer
    or not. The front motor mount on the odyssey is electronically controlled
    and the engine will rock some when doing the brakes on in/out of gear test
    leading the uninformed to thing it is bad. Also the Odyssey mounts are fluid
    filled and can spring a leak. If you think these prices are high wait till
    the transmission goes and on this van it is not if but when. Of coarse the
    lawsuit extended the warranty to 109k from 100k.......

    Woody, Dec 20, 2006
  11. Shut up, troll!!!

    At least Honda did something about it, unlike Crapsler for example.
    High Tech Misfit, Dec 20, 2006
  12. 444

    Joe LaVigne Guest

    Didn't see Chrysler running to my aid to replace the tranny on my 97
    Caravan at 60,000 miles...

    Nor the engine at 90,000. And all while properly maintained.

    I'll never buy another Chrysler product again, no matter how nice they
    Joe LaVigne, Dec 21, 2006
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