Digital Spedometer On 2010 Civic ?

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Bob, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. Bob

    jim beam Guest

    that's not true - by definition, you /are/ comparing it.

    your "argument" is my pedantry. many people wrongly portray digital as
    "accurate" when in reality, there's no greater accuracy whatsoever.

    just like dial gauges you mean?

    what vehicle /doesn't/ have a honking great gap between the steering
    wheel and the windshield? seriously dude, you're way off base on this one.
    jim beam, Feb 3, 2010
  2. Bob

    Joe Guest

    That's not true. You can say one thing is accurate without comparing
    it to another. There's no need for comparison in the original context
    of the question.
    I am not many people, and I made no such statement. It's no wonder
    that so many people have you in their killfiles. The only real wonder
    is why I took you out of mine.
    Joe, Feb 3, 2010
  3. Bob

    Guy Guest

    I'm with you Joe about Jim Beam. He at times shows knowledge but his
    personality gets in the way of that knowledge and often lessens the
    value of many of his posts. Too often he resorts to name calling just
    because someone doesn't see it his way. Normally I'd call this
    immature but in his case, I think his problem is something else just
    not sure what that is.
    Guy, Feb 3, 2010
  4. Bob

    Dave D Guest

    It would take much more than you are obviously capable of! I am glad I am
    way up here safely away from crash headed idiots like you....

    Dave D, Feb 3, 2010
  5. Bob

    Brian Smith Guest

    Have a nice day there, Dave.
    Brian Smith, Feb 3, 2010
  6. Bob

    Guy Guest

    Brian don't be too harsh on Dave. Remember how bright Palin was in
    her Couric interview? I can only assume Alaska has special needs
    starting from the Govenor's office all the way down to the people.

    The really sad thing is if people have to resort to name calling
    showing how mature or bright they are, imagine who you could be
    driving next to? That's a scary thought.
    Guy, Feb 3, 2010
  7. Bob

    jim beam Guest

    behold, the retard tries to disassociate himself from reality. pointing
    out that you are a retard is not "name calling", retard, it's simply a
    reflection of fact.

    yeah, i have a problem alright - i just can't resist confronting retards
    with their reality. see above, retard.
    jim beam, Feb 3, 2010
  8. Bob

    jim beam Guest

    then either post to a different thread or be more "accurate" about what
    you're trying to say - this whole thread is a comparison, hence the
    above comment.

    see above. your first post expressed enthusiasm for digital, with your
    reason being accuracy. if you just like digital, that's fine. if you
    appreciate accuracy, that's great too - i know i do. but they are not
    synonymous - as is conveyed when you try to reason one because of the
    other, which is exactly what you did..

    my, you must live in a cotton-wool ball if you don't like minor bumps.
    how do you hold down a job where management confronts you with reality
    about /real/ things like "performance" and "pay"?
    jim beam, Feb 3, 2010
  9. Bob

    jim beam Guest

    no, "scary" is someone who just can't resist the "retard" trigger. like
    you, retard.
    jim beam, Feb 3, 2010
  10. Bob

    Joe Guest

    You might want to re-read THIS thread. The question had nothing to do
    with a comparison, the guy just asked if people liked the digital in
    the civic.
    My first response expressed enthusiasm for the digital in my car, and
    made no comparison to any other. The only mention of Analog was in
    the fact that I like the placement of the digital in the Civic better
    than I like the placement of the analog in my Dodge truck, and never
    mentioned accuracy, one way or the other, of the analog.
    Management has never confronted me. I can't remember a single time
    where my annual performance reviews were not stellar, and my pay raise
    wasn't in line with that.

    Perhaps your experience in that field further explains your piss poor
    attitude and demeanor, and might be explained by your outrageous
    pedantry. Not a further problem here, though, you are back where you
    Joe, Feb 3, 2010
  11. Bob

    Guy Guest

    Just as I predicted.
    Guy, Feb 3, 2010
  12. Bob

    Guy Guest

    Thanks for proving my point.
    Guy, Feb 3, 2010
  13. Bob

    Brian Smith Guest

    You're right Guy. Dave *might* just be a passenger on the short white bus.
    It takes all kinds to make up this world, unfortunately a lot of them
    have computers and phones and have a basic knowledge of how to use that
    technology. :^)
    Brian Smith, Feb 3, 2010
  14. Bob

    Dave D Guest

    Same to you. Keep your head down and your powder dry.

    Dave D, Feb 4, 2010
  15. Bob

    Dave D Guest

    You mean like the obvious attempts by T&A Couric during that exchange. I
    refuse to call it an interview. Couric tried to talk down to Sarah but found
    that she was totally outclassed.

    Dave D, Feb 4, 2010
  16. Bob

    Dave D Guest

    You're wrong again...You never made a point to have proven....

    Dave D, Feb 4, 2010
  17. Bob

    Dave D Guest

    Sorry to disappoint a Newfie but I have been using this technology as long,
    probably longer than you....

    Dave D, Feb 4, 2010
  18. Bob

    jim beam Guest

    "predicted"??? you didn't "predict" anything, retard.
    jim beam, Feb 5, 2010
  19. Bob

    jim beam Guest

    you said:
    "I wasn't sure if I'd like it or not, but it works great, is very accurate"

    that is a direct comparison between the dial gauge that you used
    previously, and digital. and you use the rationale of accuracy for
    "working great".

    it seems you didn't intend to mean that, but that is what your words
    convey. and i'm not contesting your taste, but i am contesting the
    rationale that "digital" is "accurate" because those are /not/ synonymous.

    untrue - you were comparing to to what you were used to previously.

    but you did the digital, and with the above comparison, you absolutely
    /do/ make the inference that digital is accurate.

    really??? and "stellar" performance means what exactly? annual pay
    raises of 10%? 30%? 100%? compounded, how many years did it take you
    to reach your current $1,000,000 p.a?

    get over it. pedants make cars work, planes fly, computers compute, and
    people who can't cook get out of the kitchen.
    jim beam, Feb 5, 2010
  20. Bob

    Guy Guest

    I didn't expect you to understand nor will I bother to explain it to a
    person of your limitations.
    Guy, Feb 5, 2010
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