Dimmer Question

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Brandy Alexandre, Jul 18, 2005.

  1. Okay, so I was going to bid on a dimmer on eBay to get my dash lights
    on again, but I have a question. Is it really the dimmer? When the
    car is in gear, the dimmer will make the gear its in... dimmer and
    brighter, so it makes me wonder if that's really the problem or if the
    bulb is out. Anyone have experience with this? And, can you tell me
    where the bulb is so I can look at it. I have the instrumenation
    portion of the dash open and took out the dimmer switch, but not sure
    where to look for the bulb and what more I should take apart

    (I like taking things apart.) :)
    Brandy Alexandre, Jul 18, 2005
  2. Brandy Alexandre

    TeGGeR® Guest

    What kinda car is this?


    If the lights actually dim and brighten when the dimmer is operated, then
    the dimmer is fine.
    TeGGeR®, Jul 19, 2005
  3. I'm sorry. I knew I forgot something. 1991 Honda Civic 2-door HB.
    Brandy  Alexandre, Jul 19, 2005
  4. Brandy Alexandre

    TeGGeR® Guest

    My manuals only go back to '92, but this is something that is common to
    most cars in general.

    Gauge lighting is accessed from the back of the circuit board that makes up
    the rear of the instrument cluster. You remove the bezel and the cluster
    with by unclipping/removing a number of clips/screws. The bulbs are held in
    their sockets with a bayonet-lock plug, like many other bulbs on the car.

    Should be (/should/ be) obvious when you've got the cluster loose. Some of
    the bulbs are for stuff like the parking brake light, and others are
    general gauge lighting. The ones for specific lights are ordinarily
    directly behind their targets.

    If you can get the power connector plugged in, you can test to see which
    ones are the ones you want, or you can just physically remove each one and
    run current through each one to see if they work.
    TeGGeR®, Jul 19, 2005
  5. Well, my Midas Touch works again. When I first pulled the cover
    completely off (getting the hazard light connector off was a bear),
    there was a little board on top with two bulbs and two wires that
    ran behind to a third. I thought that was the culprit and took
    those out, cleaned contacts, inspected the solder joint and it all
    looked fine. I put it back... nothing.

    Before I gave up and put it all back together, I took the entire
    instrumentation thingie (very technical term) off and looked at it.
    I knew the alert lights worked, and the gear lights worked, so I
    didn't mess with those, but there were four more bulbs on the
    bottom--three large and one small. Took each of those out (they
    wore little blue condoms) and cleaned them, checked the filament,
    etc. and put them back. I don't have any real tools to check for
    power or anything, I just blew at each of the connections and holes
    with my computer airduster, pushed and puled on all the connectors,
    jiggled all of the wire harnesses and tested it again. Nothing.

    **** it. Did all I could do and I put it all back together. Now it
    works!!! I "disturbed" the right thing, and I'll probably lose the
    light again at the first speed bump, but for now, they work.
    Brandy  Alexandre, Jul 19, 2005
  6. Brandy Alexandre

    TeGGeR® Guest

    There might have been a skin of dust or corrosion that you broke when you
    were messing with it. It happens.
    TeGGeR®, Jul 21, 2005
  7. Could be. I'm just happy with the light. It looks weird though. It's
    been out for literally years.
    Brandy  Alexandre, Jul 21, 2005
  8. Brandy Alexandre

    questmoble Guest

    I have a 99 passport.... Dimmer lites didn't work... Replaced bulbs... Same
    problem.... Went 2 a salvage yard... Replaced dimmer control($10.00)...
    Solved problem!
    questmoble, Jul 27, 2005
  9. Brandy Alexandre

    motsco_ _ Guest

    motsco_ _, Jul 27, 2005
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