dipstick tube

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by duckbill, Aug 13, 2006.

  1. duckbill

    duckbill Guest

    I'm right in the middle of changing the timing belt on my daughter's 98
    Civic (VTEC). The job is going pretty well as I did my 95 Civic's timing
    belt this past spring. I'm trying to not destroy the oil dipstick tube
    which must be removed on the 98 to be able to remove the lower timing belt
    cover. I have removed the clip that holds the tube against the motor, but
    it does not want to come out of the bottom of the engine. It's also kind
    of wedged into the side of the timing belt cover. I have the factory book
    for the 95, but only a Haynes Book for the 98. On page 2A-11 it says:
    remove the dickstick tube from the front of the engine?
    Any hints or help with this would be greatly appreciated.
    duckbill, Aug 13, 2006
  2. duckbill

    TeGGeR® Guest

    This is odd. I have the Honda manual for the '98. There is absolutely no
    mention of the oil dipstick tube at all in the procedure for removing the
    lower timing belt cover, and I have not personally encountered any Honda
    model that required this.

    Are you quite certain that the lower cover will not budge with the dipstick
    tube in place? I highly suspect your (gag) Haynes is highly incorrect.
    TeGGeR®, Aug 13, 2006
  3. duckbill

    duckbill Guest

    Thanks Tegger, I will remove the upper motor mount in the AM. It's
    possible (I guess) that the oil dipstick tube does not need to be removed.
    Many thanks.
    duckbill, Aug 13, 2006
  4. -------------------------------

    I had to remove it when I did the TB on my '95 Odyssey. Could be the
    author of the Haynes book is mistaken.

    'Curly Q. Links', Aug 13, 2006
  5. duckbill

    duckbill Guest

    Looks to me like the dipstick tube has to come out. I can't budge the
    lower timing cover, even with the upper motor mount removed. The tube is
    almost completely notched into the front corner of the the lower timing
    belt cover with a bolt behind it that I am slowly working out.
    I will try a little PB Blaster where it goes into the engine. That tube is
    really stuck tight. The notched cut out where the tube fits in the corner
    of the cover is keeping me from wiggeling the tube more than a sixteenth
    of an inch. Curley, how much of a pull did it take for you to remove your
    dipstick tube? I'm afraid of crushing the tube if I try to clamp on it
    with anything. Anyone out there ever pulled a dipstick tube on a 96 -
    2000 Civic EX to get the lower timing cover off? I may be missing
    something here? Any assistance in this matter is VERY greatly
    duckbill, Aug 13, 2006
  6. duckbill

    Elle Guest

    Honda-tech.com has the following report on removing the
    dipstick on a 98 CR-V:
    " it's pressed in. back and forth motion will get it out"

    "grab the dipstick with a pair of vise grips at the bottom
    wrapped in a rag and turn left and right while lifting up.
    this will usually do the trick."

    Other reports at honda-tech indicate the tube does seem to
    pop out on its own fairly often, supporting the contention
    that it is just "pressed in."

    (Registration, if needed, is free. I have had no email spam
    problems with this site.)
    Elle, Aug 13, 2006
  7. duckbill

    Elle Guest

    It seems that the 91-93 Accords (among other Honda models)
    require removal of the dipstick tube during a TB
    replacement. See for example

    Step 10 says to "Remove the dipstick and pipe." The
    instructions direct the technician to replace the dipstick
    tube O-ring.

    The archives support this for this Accord and IIRC some
    other models.

    The site below likewise also appears to include an excerpt
    from a factory service manual for a VTEC Civic and also
    directs the technician to remove the dipstick tube:

    Autozone's free online manual ("just" a Chilton's/Haynes)
    for this year Accord also directs removal of the dipstick


    Unfortunately Autozone does not have the manual for a 98

    Seems like this may be unique to Honda VTECs.

    For the record, Chilton's these days often contains excerpts
    from the factory service manuals. I have noticed that very
    old Chilton's, printed in the 1980s say, tend to be generic
    and were not very good. But the Chilton's printed more
    recently are very detailed. I disagree that today's
    Chilton's are useless.
    Elle, Aug 13, 2006
  8. duckbill

    duckbill Guest

    Elle, what can I say except, thanks a lot. Now, back to the mission.
    duckbill, Aug 13, 2006
  9. duckbill

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Which I've never worked on, hence my ignorance.
    TeGGeR®, Aug 13, 2006
  10. duckbill

    Elle Guest

    I thought the Ebsco site ("Auto Repair Reference Center"
    cited at your FAQ site) said some interesting things on
    this. The 98 Civic's "timing belt cover and seal" section
    direct only that the accessory belts and crankshaft pulley
    be removed to remove the lower cover. By contrast, the
    "timing belt and sprockets" section says to "remove all
    necessary components to gain access to the cylinder head and
    timing belt covers."

    Of course, with any manual, there is some reading between
    the lines that is necessary for the layperson. Removing the
    dipstick tube might be implied above.

    On the VTEC's, that's just my guess based on the paper chase
    behind my remarks.

    I can't tell much from the online parts drawings of the
    dipstick tube, other than the bottom of the tube does seem
    to be cramped in there, as duckbill pointed out.
    Elle, Aug 13, 2006
  11. duckbill

    duckbill Guest

    Thanks for all your time and effort guys. The close quarters where the
    tube goes in the block is keeping me from being able to try to twist much.
    So far, the tube has not moved at all. If I pulled the AC compressor and
    mount, I would have some breathing room. The tube (about half way to the
    top) has a lip where it's deeply imbedded in the corner of the lower
    timing cover. So I can't twist it or lift it. Twisting at the top and
    bottom is restricted (I think) because the tube has a slight bend to it. I
    suspect the lip on the plastic timing cover and the lip on the tube right
    next to each other ensures that the tube will not exit the engine. And
    there are 2 timing cover bolts behind the tube. One is removed and I
    going to try to get the second one out. That way the lower cover may
    shift just enough to be able to work out the oil fill tube? This is very
    likely not a big problem, once you have done one. I'm trying not to break
    anything here. The good news is I have the car thru next Sat. So I do have
    a little breathing room. Again, thanks for all the help.
    duckbill, Aug 13, 2006
  12. duckbill

    duckbill Guest

    It's out...I think the PB Blaster helped. I got it to turn slightly from
    down below. And then it was able to be wiggled quite a lot from the top.
    Then it took a small pair of vice grips clamped to the bottom of the tube
    hit upwards with a small hammer and it broke free and twisted out. It
    looks like a strong tube. Many thanks for all the support and advice.
    duckbill, Aug 13, 2006
  13. duckbill

    Elle Guest

    Way to persist! PB Blaster does totally rock.

    I will keep an eye peeled for how the rest of the TB job
    Elle, Aug 13, 2006
  14. duckbill

    duckbill Guest

    Well Elle, the new O ring was never stocked by one Honda Dealer and the
    second one carried just one for the dipstick tube. That tells me changing
    them is not a big priority. It should be; my old one was severely
    deformed. I almost had a perfect match using an AC O ring. I thought it
    was perfect until I got the new Honda one which is a little bit fatter.
    Part # 91302-GE0-000. Cheers.
    duckbill, Aug 15, 2006
  15. duckbill

    Elle Guest

    Seemed like the archives had a fair number of reports of the
    dipstick tube lower joint leaking, too. (Typically folks
    suggested JB Weld? Not sure if every model has the O-ring.)
    Elle, Aug 17, 2006
  16. duckbill

    duckbill Guest

    Elle, thanks again for all the help, your the best! For how tight the
    dipstick tube was, I thought it was pressed in. But such was not the
    case. When I re-installed the tube with a new Honda O ring, with oil on
    it; it just fell right in; no effort required. The old O ring was what
    was holding the tube in. Hard for me to believe?
    duckbill, Aug 17, 2006
  17. duckbill

    Elle Guest

    Interesting. Good info for the archives.
    Elle, Aug 17, 2006
  18. When I did the t-belt on my 98, I removed the dipstick tube. It interfered
    with something.

    Didn't have any problems getting it out, unclip and pull.

    loewent via CarKB.com, Aug 17, 2006
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