Dirt/Debris in Heat Blower

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by gs, Feb 28, 2005.

  1. gs

    gs Guest

    I had send my car ( Accord 2001 V6 EX ) for 75000 mile servicing. The
    Technician informed me that there was some debris/congestion in the
    heat blower of the car, and it is possibly due to a rodent like a rat
    or something who has been stuffing things out there . To clean this up
    however the estimate is for $550. Has anyone encountered such a problem
    and is this estimate ok for a such a problem .
    gs, Feb 28, 2005
  2. gs

    motsco_ _ Guest

    Use google to search cabin filter accord, and get the replacement
    instructions, then open it up yourself, and also drop the heater motor
    out (unplug connector, three Phillips screws) and use a piece of coat
    hanger and an air hose to clean it out. Have a new cabin filter (or are
    there two?) from NAPA ready. An hour of fun and learning, save $500.

    motsco_ _, Mar 1, 2005
  3. gs

    speedy Guest

    I have a nissan that sat arouns a while until I finished the engine
    work. When I started to drive it one rainy day the heater motor sounded
    like the bearings were going out. Turns out the local mice had been
    using it for a bedroom and the fan was FULL of "debris"

    Pulling the fan on a honda is usually just annoying and not next to
    impossible like most US cars. I cant see $500 being a realistic estimate.

    speedy, Mar 3, 2005
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